The sixteen-episode series "Podolsk Cadets", which covers the period of the Great Patriotic War, was started by the Pyramid film company in 2013. Its plot is based on real events that took place in October 1941, when combined detachments of Podolsk cadets defended the approaches to the capital of Russia from the Germans.

Plot description
The series begins with the last peaceful days of 1941, when the protagonist of the story, Alexander Voronov, a pupil of a boarding school, comes to an artillery school near Moscow for training. There Sasha meets his new friends - Gena, Nadya and Kolya, who do not yet suspect that together with Voronov they will uncover a secret agent recruited by the Germans. Suddenly, a war with Germany begins, and the guys diligently learn the wisdom of military affairs 12 hours a day, which does not prevent them from falling in love, quarreling and running AWOL from school.
The infantry and artillery schools in Podolsk, created in 1939-1940, graduated more than 3000 cadets before the war began.
In the fall of 1941, the German armies were getting closer and closer to Moscow. The cadets of the artillery school are sent to defend the capital of the Motherland - now all the hope is only on them. It is these yesterday's schoolchildren who must at any cost hold back the fascist offensive on the city until the arrival of reinforcements in the person of the Soviet army. Now Alexander and his friends, together with other cadets, will have to accomplish the feat and go down in history.
Real story
After the offensive of the German army on Maloyaroslavets, the defense of the Soviet troops was broken through, and the threat of a breakthrough of the fascists into the city hung over Moscow. 3,500 cadets were removed from classes in artillery and infantry schools, who were sent to defend Maloyaroslavets and block the way for the advancing Germans. After arriving at their destination, the Podolsk cadets held back the attack of the Nazis for several days, repelling the many times superior enemy forces and destroying his tanks.
The task of the guys was to hold the Ilyinsky combat area for a week - until the arrival of military reserves from the depths of the vast USSR.
On October 16, the fascist army managed to capture the checkpoints in the Ilyinsky sector and destroy almost all the cadets defending its borders. The next day, the command post was moved to Lukyanovo, where the guys defended the combat areas for two more days. After the Germans surrounded their base, the surviving cadets were able to get out of the encirclement and retreat to the Soviet troops, which approached the Nara River and took up defensive positions there. Five days later, they returned to their schools, where they continued their studies. Podolsk cadets became heroes, the feat of which people still remember. And they will remember for a long time.