Turkish Reformer Ataturk Mustafa Kemal: Biography

Turkish Reformer Ataturk Mustafa Kemal: Biography
Turkish Reformer Ataturk Mustafa Kemal: Biography

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is known to almost every resident of Turkey. Reformer and politician, participant in the revolutionary movement in Turkey and the first president of the Republic of Turkey. The name of Mustafa Kemal is on a par with the famous leaders of the national liberation movements of different states

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Biography of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Mustafa Kemal was born in Greece in Thessaloniki in 1881. His exact date of birth is not known. Some sources indicate March 12, others - May 19. The first date is considered official, and the second he chose himself after the start of the struggle for Turkish independence. The real name of the great Turkish reformer Mustafa Riza. He added the nickname Kemal to his name while studying at a military school for his knowledge of mathematics. The title of Ataturk - the father of the Turks - Mustafa received after his recognition as the national leader of the state.

Mustafa's family are customs officials. At the time of Mustafa's birth, Thessaloniki was under Turkish rule and was suffering from strong oppression of the new government. Mustafa's father and mother were Turks by blood, but there may be ancestors of Greeks, Slavs or Tatars in the family. In addition to Mustafa, the family had three more children. Two brothers died in infancy, and the sister lived to adulthood.

The boy received his primary education in a Muslim school, then at the age of 12 he goes to a military school. The character of the young man was rather difficult. He was known as a rude, hot-tempered and straightforward person. Mustafa was an active and independent child. Practically without communicating with his peers and his sister, Mustafa preferred to be alone. He did not listen to the opinions of others and did not compromise. In the future, this greatly affected his career and life. Mustafa Kemal made many enemies.

Mustafa Kemal's political activities

While studying at the Ottoman Academy of the General Staff, Mustafa was fond of reading the books of Voltaire, Rousseau. Studied biographies of prominent historical figures. It was then that patriotism and nationalism began to emerge in him. As a cadet, Mustafa showed interest in the Young Turks, who advocated Turkey's independence from the Ottoman sultans.

After graduation, Mustafa Kemal organized several secret societies that were involved in the fight against corruption in the Turkish government. For his activities, he was arrested and exiled to Damascus, where he founded the Vatan party. This party is currently one of the most influential organizations in Turkey.

In 1908, Mustafa took part in the Young Turkish Revolution. The Constitution of 1876 was restored, but there were no major changes in the country. Kemal switched to military activities.

Military career of Mustafa Kemal

As a talented commander and military leader Mustafa Kemal showed himself during the First World War. For the battle with the Anglo - French landing in the Dardanelles he received the title of Pasha. In the military career of Kemal, the victories of 1915 in the battles of Kirechtepe and Anafartalar stand out. Also noteworthy is his work in the Ministry of Defense.

After the end of the First World War, the state began to disintegrate into separate territories. Mustafa made an appeal to preserve the unity of the country, and in 1920 created a new parliament - the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. At the first meeting, Mustafa Kemal was elected head of government and chairman of parliament. In October 1923, Mustafa becomes President of the Turkish Republic.

As President of Turkey, Kemal carried out many reforms to make the state more modern. He advocated a change in the education system, improved the social structure, and restored the economic independence of Turkey.

Personal life

The official wife of Mustafa Kemal was Latifa Ushakligil. However, the marriage lasted only two years. According to Ataturk's supporters, the woman interfered in her husband's affairs, which was the reason for the divorce. Mustafa had no children of his own. He took on the upbringing of adopted children - 8 daughters and 2 sons. The daughters of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk became an example of the freedom and independence of a Turkish woman. One of the daughters became a historian, the other became the first female pilot in Turkey.

Mustafa Kemal died on November 10, 1938.
