Gennady Zavolokin: A Short Biography

Gennady Zavolokin: A Short Biography
Gennady Zavolokin: A Short Biography

From childhood, this man had an instructive example of calm relationships, respect for one's neighbor, diligence in everyday affairs and reverence for God's Covenant. This example was given to Gennady Dmitrievich Zavolokin by his parents.

Gennady Zavolokin
Gennady Zavolokin

Childhood and youth

People with a subtle psychological structure are more acutely aware of the disturbing processes taking place in society and nature. The people in any troubles of a global scale are looking for support in their history and culture. And first of all he pays attention to the songs. Gennady Zavolokin is one of those gifted people who is able to feel the overtones of the people's soul. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that the songs and poems of this author have become truly popular, have burst out into the open and live independently according to the laws of society.

The future performer and composer was born on March 18, 1948 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in the village of Parabel in the north of the Tomsk region. By that time, the elder brother Alexander was already growing up in the house. My father worked as a carpenter at the local timber industry enterprise. In his free time and on holidays, he always took an accordion in his hands. He played and sang Russian folk songs and mischievous ditties. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. Two years later, the family moved to the town of Suzun near Novosibirsk.


Creative activity

From an early age, Gennady grew and developed in a creative atmosphere. In the Siberian wilderness, in the midst of a talented and hardworking people, his attitude to Russian song and playing various instruments was formed. First of all, he learned to play the harmonica, and then the balalaika. The time has come, and his father gave him an accordion. There is nothing unexpected in the fact that after graduating from school, Zavolokin entered the Novosibirsk School of Music. Having received a specialized education, Gennady worked for several years as an accompanist in the Suzun folk choir.

In the mid-70s, Gennady, along with his older brother Alexander, began to perform as a duet. The repertoire was formed from ditties of his own composition and folk songs. A few years later, the idea was ripe to hold a television competition among the accordion players of the Novosibirsk region called "Play, Siberian accordion". The project turned out to be very promising, and soon a program of the same name began to appear on central television. Gennady took on the responsibilities of the artistic director, director and presenter.


Recognition and privacy

The program “Play, Favorite Accordion” has occupied the top lines in various ratings for many years. For great success in the development of folk art, Gennady Zavolokin was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of Russia.

The personal life of Gennady Zavolokin is closely connected with his professional activities. He married Svetlana Kazantseva as a student. The husband and wife raised a son and a daughter. It so happened in life that the whole family takes part in the "Play the accordion" project. After the death of Gennady Dmitrievich in the summer of 2001 in a car accident, his daughter Anastasia took over as head.
