What Are Some Good Mystic And Horror Films?

What Are Some Good Mystic And Horror Films?
What Are Some Good Mystic And Horror Films?

Mystical films are able to tickle the nerves well and cause a lot of emotions. You can watch them both in company and alone, if you have strong enough nerves.

What are some good mystic and horror films?
What are some good mystic and horror films?

"Others" - life after death

A mystical thriller starring Nicole Kidman keeps the audience on their toes until the end. The life of one family living during the Second World War is disturbed by mysterious mystical phenomena - servants disappear in the house, objects are moved, and it seems that someone else lives in the premises themselves. What is this - the tricks of ghosts, hallucinations of the heroine, or something else? The finale is stunning in its surprise. The picture has become one of the few Spanish films that have received worldwide fame.

"Mirrors" - what is hidden behind the glass

This horror film caused a serious fear of mirrors in many viewers. A former police officer is forced to face a frightening mystery of the looking glass world. It turns out that evil demons can be imprisoned in mirrors, eager to enter the real world. To save his family, the hero must fulfill the demon's wish, but saving innocent lives comes at a high cost.

The film "Mirrors" was filmed as a remake of the Korean film of the same name, but the storylines have undergone significant changes.

"1408" - a film based on a story by Stephen King

The fact that this film of the genre of "mysticism" was based on the story of the "king of horrors" deserves to be watched. The main character of the film is a writer who is creating a book about the paranormal. He himself is a skeptic and has little faith in unexplained facts, and also likes to expose mystical legends. To this end, he stays in room 1408 at the Dolphin Hotel in New York. However, the events taking place make the writer believe in the existence of the supernatural.

Stephen King wrote his story based on a real-life account by parapsychologist Christopher Chaycon about a hotel room where ghosts lived.

The Devil's Advocate - Best Horror Film of 1997

The mystical drama starring Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino and Charlize Theron won the Saturn Award for Best Horror Film. A successful lawyer who puts his career above everything else gets a lucrative offer from a mysterious stranger who owns a large law firm. In pursuit of career growth and material well-being, the hero does not notice what is happening in his personal life. Despite everything, he refuses to believe that his benefactor and employer are to blame.

"Call" - a classic of the genre

The Japanese thriller, filmed in colors and angles unusual for European cinema, has become a kind of classic of the mystical genre. Even those who have not watched this film know its main motives - a mysterious videotape, a call indicating the time of death and a mysterious well at the bottom of which evil rests. The film became so popular that it was later re-shot in South Korea and the United States. But the Japanese version is still considered the most intimidating.
