Anna Shulgina is a Russian singer, theater and film actress, as well as a TV presenter. She is the eldest daughter of Valeria, People's Artist of Russia. The song "You are mine", which Anna recorded with her mother, was nominated for the "Muz-TV 2016. Energy of the Future" award.

Anna's birthday is June 21, 1993. She was born into the family of the famous singer Valeria (Alla Perfilova) and the famous producer Alexander Shulgin. A few years later, her brothers Artemy and Arseny were born.
As Anna and her "star" mother recalls, for eight years the whole family had a hard time, since the father of the family was a real tyrant. An atmosphere of fear reigned in the house, and it was in these difficult conditions that Anna spent her early childhood. The parents eventually divorced, and the whole family was finally able to breathe a sigh of peace.

When Anna was ten years old, she entered the theater studio at the Academy. Gnesins, but the girl never graduated. From the age of 13, Anna studied at the Swiss Institute for Noble Maidens, due to her difficult character. The girl was sent for re-education, in the hope that her studies would benefit her.
Around the same time, Valeria married Joseph Prigogine, this fact, of course, could not but affect the fate of Anna. Later, the girl returned to Moscow, where she later graduated from a school with in-depth study of foreign languages. After graduating from school, she entered the theater institute. Shchukin, and in 2013 she received a diploma in the specialties: "Variety artist" and "Dramatic actress of theater and cinema."
Anna Shulgina's diploma work was two performances: "Vassa Zheleznova" (the role of Lizonka) and "Friends-Writers" (Bordyurov).
Performances in which the actress took part:
- "Dog in the manger";
- "No shopping day";
- "My poor Marat";
- "8 loving women";
- "Rats";
- "Witch".
Anya experimented with the performance of songs and posted videos in Intrasgram. Thanks to the support of subscribers from the social network, the girl joined the music.
Rapper SleM invited Anna to record a video for the song "Give a Chance to Dream". She was supported by Joseph Prigogine, and at Valeria's birthday, the girl made her debut as a singer.
A year later, Shulgina recorded a new clip "Knife", the premiere was released on the channel "Muz TV".
Television work
Anna not only records tracks and acts in films, she managed to try her hand at being a presenter. Together with Alexei Vorobyov, the girl hosted the program "Our Way Out".
Films and series with Shulgina's participation
- Karpov;
- Pyatnitsky;
- "Threads of Love";
- "Vasilisa";
- Oskolkovo;
- “I do not believe”;
- "There was love";
- "Not a couple."

Personal life
According to Anna, while she is in no hurry to get married, since she has not yet met the very prince who will carry her in his arms and can make her truly happy.
For some time she met with the pianist Maxim Tarasov. From the very beginning, the couple was serious, Anna even introduced Maxim to her parents, but the matter did not progress further than acquaintance, and the young people broke up.
Later, Shulgina was credited with an affair with Alexei Vorobyov, but the girl denies the existence of any relationship other than friendship.
In 2015, in an interview with one of the sources, Anna admitted that love finally appeared in her life. Later it turned out that her lover was the rapper SLeM, the same producer she met during the recording of her first song.

Anna Shulgina now
According to the artist, she does not intend to stop there, and more than once will surprise fans with the results of creative experiments. At the moment, Anna is writing a book, recording an album and very soon will present a new clip to fans.