Dzhabrail Yamadaev: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Dzhabrail Yamadaev: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Dzhabrail Yamadaev: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Lieutenant Dzhabrail Yamadayev was in charge of a special-purpose company in Chechnya. Fulfilling his military duty in the North Caucasus, he demonstrated skillful command and showed courage, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

Dzhabrail Yamadaev: biography, career, personal life
Dzhabrail Yamadaev: biography, career, personal life

early years

Dzhabrail was born on October 16, 1970 in the Chechen-Ingush autonomy. His ancestors are from teip Benoy with the same-name tribal center near Nozhai-Yurt. In the ethnic group of Chechnya, this teip is the most numerous; its representatives have played an important role in the life of the region and the republic as a whole. From him came President Akhmat Kadyrov and his son Ramzan, as well as other Yamadayev brothers, who, like Dzhabrail, fought on the side of the federal troops and proved themselves as heroes.

A graduate of the Gudermes School No. 4 had a chance to serve in the Soviet Army in Altai, in the rocket forces. A few years after returning to Gudermes, the young man decided to get a law degree and became a student at the University of Business and Law.


Military career

In 1988, Dzhabrail fought against representatives of Wahhabism in his city. The Yamadayevs were entrusted with the most dangerous and important fate of the city: the bridge on the Belka River and the area around the first city hospital. In 1999, the skillful joint actions of Dzhabrail with the Russian military leadership helped to avoid bloodshed in Gudermes, as well as to clear the city of militants. Similar successful operations took place in the villages of Kurchaloy and Nozhai-Yurt. In just six months, thanks to the skillful actions of Yamadayev, more than three hundred barrels and a lot of ammunition were handed over.


Special company commander

In 2002, most of Maskhadov's guards went over to the side of the Russian troops, they formed the backbone of a new unit - a special-purpose company under the commandant's office of Chechnya. Dzhabrail signed a contract with the military and headed the special forces. Later it was reorganized into the Vostok battalion. The unit was part of the Russian mountain grouping of troops, most of the fighters were Chechens, and Sulim Yamadayev was at the head of the battalion.

This period of Dzhabrail's biography can be considered the most successful. During the year of its existence, a special company under his command conducted eighteen military operations in the mountains and twenty-three on flat terrain, in addition to this, the unit conducted more than a hundred reconnaissance and search activities. During this period, sixteen mountain bases of the militants were destroyed, more than twenty Arapkhanov's bandits and the same number from Bediev's detachment were destroyed. In total, special forces fighters eliminated about one and a half hundred militants.

The death of Yamadaev

Dzhabrail died on the March night of 2003, it happened near Vedeno. To eliminate it, the leaders of the militants used a radio-controlled explosive mechanism. As eyewitnesses later said, the Yamadayev brothers came to this village every month, they knew this territory well and stayed for a week or two. At that time Sulim was in Moscow, so Dzhabrail came. It was necessary to work out the information received, since one of Basayev's gangs was spotted nearby. The Yamadayevs have repeatedly noted that it is not difficult for them to get to Shamil himself, they knew the places of his deployment and stops. The reason was the lack of time, energy and well-coordinated joint actions with the military. The brothers controlled the most criminogenic areas, primarily the Vedeno district, and as you know, Basayev considered it his fiefdom. He declared war on the Yamadayev clan and several times made an attempt to occupy the Gudermes area where the brothers lived, fired at their cars and, in total, organized eleven attempts to destroy Sulim and Dzhabrail. But they always remained unharmed, for which they even received the nickname "invulnerable".

A powerful explosion thundered around midnight, immediately after the special forces had settled for the night. Most likely, the explosives were planted in the sofa where the commander himself was resting. A private house on Lenin Street collapsed, a colleague from the military commandant's office was buried under its rubble together with the commander of the special company, and four more of their colleagues were injured. Everyone was at a loss: who and how could have planted the explosive device, probably, there was a traitor among the fighters. Yamadayev trusted his entourage, and those who stayed overnight were definitely doing their job, and it was not easy to take him by surprise. The military from Khankala have repeatedly noted the high combat ability and success of the Chechen special forces. The Yamadayev family was respected in Gudermes, but the Wahhabis and Basayev, the main Chechen terrorist and separatist, also hated them.


The commander of a special company was buried in the city cemetery with all military honors. At parting, where all the leadership of the republic gathered, words were heard about the brave military leader, he never hid behind the backs of fighters and walked in front. The head of the Russian Federation, by his decree, awarded Lieutenant Yamadaev the title of Hero of Russia posthumously. The street of his native city is named after the famous commander.

After the death of his older brother, Sulim uttered only one phrase: "We will find these shaitans and destroy them." The enemies hoped that this high-profile murder would lead to the unleashing of terror in the country. Moreover, this happened on the eve of the referendum and should have discredited the local authorities. But the ill-wishers miscalculated, a week after the incident, the Yamadayevs announced that there would be no lawlessness, but "those involved in the murder will regret that they were born." The brothers continued their military career in the Russian armed forces. The special company, headed by Dzhabrail, was transformed into the Vostok battalion, and Sulim was appointed its commander. The unit has conducted dozens of successful operations and killed many militants. Ruslan Yamadayev also fought on the side of the federals, later was appointed commandant of Chechnya, represented the United Russia movement in the republic. The Motherland highly appreciated their contribution to ensuring order and tranquility on the Chechen land; both brothers were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.