How To Write A Request

How To Write A Request
How To Write A Request

Table of contents:


Asking is never easy. But sometimes situations are hopeless. Writing a request is a whole art, since the satisfaction of your interests sometimes depends on well-written paper.

How to write a request
How to write a request

It is necessary

a piece of paper (better than A4), a pen


Step 1

Take a piece of paper and place it vertically on the table. In the upper right corner, write to whom (where) the request will be addressed. Indicate the position, surname, initials, other details of the person you are asking for. If the request is addressed to an organization, then mark its name, structural unit. For example, "Janitor Ivanov V. V., serving site No. 1". Or: "To the accounting department of the Pushkin Opera and Ballet Theater."

Step 2

On the next line (continue to write in the upper right corner) indicate who the request is from. Please mark in full: your last name, first name, patronymic, position, address, and other information relevant to the request. The preposition "from" is not used in this case, you just write your data in the genitive case. For example: "Petrova Zoya Grigorievna, artist of the choir, residing at the address: Mira St., 5".

Step 3

Below, in the center of the sheet, write in a small letter the word "statement" and put a full stop. The word "request" is rarely used in written documents; it is replaced by the more traditional word "statement". Although, if this is important for you, you can title your document "request".

Step 4

The following is the text of the request. It usually begins with the words: "Please …" Now briefly and clearly state the essence of your request. Indicate on what basis you are making this request to this particular person (organization). Be sure to include a few good reasons why you should be granted the request.

Step 5

In the lower right corner, put a number and your signature. The request is ready.
