Maria Kokhno: Biography, Personal Life

Maria Kokhno: Biography, Personal Life
Maria Kokhno: Biography, Personal Life

Today, in order to become popular, you do not need to have a special talent or unusual abilities. You can become a media personality after appearing in one of the reality shows that are full of television. The participant of the TV show "Dom-2" Maria Kokhno evokes ambiguous emotions in the audience, however, as does the television project itself.

Maria Kokhno: biography, personal life
Maria Kokhno: biography, personal life

Life before the TV project

The future star of the TV show was born in 1989 in Samara. Masha's parents are Honored Artists of Russia, her father is a violinist, her mother is a pianist. From an early age, the girl was brought up in a creative atmosphere, therefore, continuing the traditions of the family, she chose the profession of a musician. To provide her daughter with more opportunities for development and education, the family moved to the capital. Maria became a student at the Moscow Conservatory. The young violinist performed independently and together with her mother, who accompanied her, and also participated in many concerts. Kohno's repertoire was dominated by classical authors: Bach, Brahms, Poganini and Mozart.

House 2

Masha came to Dom-2 at the end of 2016. In the evenings, she often picked up the violin, but not all of the participants liked it, many were annoyed by how Maria demonstrated the achievements of her musical career. Often, project colleagues invited a girl to accompany their romantic meetings. Maria was remembered by the audience as a participant in scandals and provocations. The negative was fueled by the fact that the girl often used unverified information as arguments. To attract attention to herself, Masha took active steps and arranged fights. The image of an intelligent beauty was daily violated by hysterics. Almost daily, on the frontal site, one could observe mockery of her tears. Once, under the influence of stress and disappointment, she uttered the phrase “This is a tragedy!”, Which became an aphorism on the project.

Participants come to the project in order to learn how to build relationships. Inspired by the example of her parents, Maria's ultimate goal was to create a strong family. But the TV project did not bring the girl any changes in her personal life. From the very beginning, Andrei Chuev did not want to reciprocate her, then she drew attention to Dima Lukin, whom his friends nicknamed Knot. The young man was considered a novice actor, their creative union assumed a great future. The couple even visited the Seychelles, but constant quarrels, alternating with reconciliation, led to a separation. After an unsuccessful romance, Masha tried to enter into a relationship with Roman Gritsenko, but the age difference did not allow them to become a couple. The girl's next sympathy was the presenter Vlad Kadoni. Then Kokhno tried to get to know Andrei Denisov, nicknamed Shtrikh, better, but, having caught her friend in treason, the young man did not support her leaving the project and stayed.

Unsuccessful marriage

Before participating in the TV show, Maria's biography was married to Dmitry Kraytser. Despite the age difference, he became the young violinist's first big love. Her husband's work in a travel agency allowed the couple to travel the world and visit many countries. Their happy family life was overshadowed by the betrayal of their spouse, whom Masha could not forgive. Seriously experiencing betrayal, the girl lost 34 kilograms, and she developed anorexia. The exhaustion of the body was accompanied by fainting and a complete lack of appetite.

Kohno went to India, in this country she was able to normalize her emotions and gain strength. In the photo from that period, the girl looked like a blonde with a Barbie face. She came to the project with pumped lips and fake eyelashes, which caused a lot of discussion among the participants and viewers of the program. Already in the process of filming, the platinum blonde with spectacular forms continued her passion for plastic and repeatedly resorted to the services of a surgeon, explaining them as an absolute necessity. A special storm of emotions was caused by her desire to undergo mammoplasty.

How he lives now

Today the ex-participant of the TV show "Dom-2" is actively involved in various activities. Her busy schedule is scheduled between filming and charity events. Kohno helps cancer patients and recently opened an anorexia support organization. The girl advertises clothes of famous companies, travels a lot and spends time with friends, about which she talks on social networks. There are no photos with her beloved on her pages, but Maria believes that she will meet her love and her dream of a strong family and a child will definitely come true.
