Platoshkin Nikolai Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Platoshkin Nikolai Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Platoshkin Nikolai Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Nikolai Platoshkin is known as a successful historian and Russian diplomat. He has an active life position and takes an active part in the social and political life of the country. Scientist and politician, a talented publicist, a tough opponent in television debates. Nikolai Platoshkin's opinion can be tough, but it always has clear and competent grounds.

Nikolay Platoshkin
Nikolay Platoshkin

Biography of a politician

Nikolai Nikolaevich Platoshkin was born on October 19, 1965, on the territory of the military town of the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region. He is a political diplomat in the field of international law, a public figure and a doctor of historical sciences.

Carier start

After graduating from school with a gold medal, Nikolai Platoshkin moved to Moscow, where, without a doubt, he entered the State Institute of International Relations and graduated with honors in 1988. Thanks to his brilliant education, in the same year, Platoshkin received his first appointment as a junior diplomat at the Russian Embassy in Germany.


Diplomatic work

After 11 years in office, Nikolai Platoshkin becomes the main assistant - a diplomat representing the interests of Russia in the German capital. After returning to Russia, he heads the department of the Armenian Republic at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 2001, Nikolai Platoshkin held the post of vice-consul, and soon consul in the Russian Federation's mission in America, and also became the founder of the famous cultural center of Russian traditions in Texas.


Scientific research

In 2003, Nikolai Nikolaevich Platoshkin received an academic degree and became a candidate of historical sciences, and six years later he was awarded a doctorate. The main areas of his scientific interests and work are related to history, modern politics and international relations of the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain and a number of other countries. Knowledge of several foreign languages, such as Spanish, German, English, allowed Platoshkin to publish many unique analytical articles and scientific manuals, many of which were included in books on military policy and jurisprudence. In 2008 Nikolai Platoshkin was awarded the prize for the best article on wartime.


In 2018, Nikolai Platoshkin created a course of lectures "on the years of the war and the post-war period in the German Republic." Today, the scientist and politician is the head of the Department of Diplomacy and International Relations of the State University for the Humanities in Moscow. He is a regular guest and connoisseur of contemporary politics in various politically oriented analytical programs on radio and television.


Personal life

Nikolai Platoshkin does not cover his personal life, therefore it is almost impossible to find any information about his family and relatives. Recent rumors about the external resemblance and possible kinship of Platoshkin with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Nikolai Nikolayevich himself refutes. Has pages on social networks, as well as a lot of subscribers and friends.
