Gone are the days when neither the film itself nor its creators were respected in society. Now the film industry is a huge business, which tied billions of dollars and the image of the countries that release them. Naturally, in such a world, there will be a race for which film will collect the largest box office in the box office in a week. Blockbusters come out, on which fabulous money has been spent and compete with each other - who is better, who is more popular, who will be watched more and more often?

James Cameron - They Can't Get Us
For almost the fifth year, the most record-breaking in terms of the amount of money earned is the film by James Cameron - "Avatar", which tells about the wonderful alien world "Pandora", its inhabitants and that people are destroying the wonderful diversity and perfection of the green planet, which was presented to us by the universe. …
Almost 240 million dollars were invested in "Avatar" - a huge amount for cinema as well, and he pulled out almost three billion dollars, namely - 2 782 375 172 $. It’s even difficult to imagine how you can collect such a huge amount at the box office of cinemas, but it is possible.
Can someone break the Avatar record? Someday, probably, this will happen. In the end, "Avatar" was not the first, before him 12 years at the proud highest place at the box office was the beautiful "Titanic", the authorship of the same James Cameron. The film grossed $ 1.8 billion, doubling the previous record. Now, after the re-release of "Titanic", its record has increased to $ 2,185,372,302.
Even though cinema has become more popular in modern times, and tickets for viewing are more expensive, the number of films that have crossed the billion dollar limit in box office has increased tenfold. The Titanic is still in second place.
Who will break this record remains to be seen, but it became clear that James Cameron is going to direct Avatar 2.