Seda Tutkhalyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Seda Tutkhalyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Seda Tutkhalyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

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Russian artistic gymnastics is famous for its masters of sports, Olympic medalists and juniors. Seda Tutkhalyan, who won a silver medal at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, can be called a successful representative of the youth team.

Seda at the 2016 Rio Olympics
Seda at the 2016 Rio Olympics

Tutkhalyan Seda Gurgenovna - Russian champion in artistic gymnastics, winner and prize-winner of the European Games, master of sports of Russia and international class. She repeatedly took part in youth competitions, as well as in the Olympic Games in Rio and Baku. Winner of the silver medal and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree.



Seda was born on July 15, 1999 in the administrative center of the Shirak region of Gyumri (Armenia), which is located 126 kilometers from Yerevan. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to Moscow, where at the age of seven she went to school and began to practice gymnastics. She studied at the Moscow school number 704 17, where she received her secondary education. The first sports coach on the way to big sport was Marina Ulyankina, with whom the girl achieved great success.


The dad of the young champion devoted his life to sports, raising sons and a daughter. He is a famous three-time world and USSR champion in 1988-1990 and Europe in 1987, honored master of sports. The famous sambist has achieved outstanding achievements, therefore he directed his sons in his footsteps, and drew his daughter to gymnastics. Brother Vaik is professionally engaged in sambo, is the owner of a bronze medal at the World Championship.


Mom also made an invaluable contribution to her creative career, she did not spare Sedochka, but helped to cope with adversity, fatigue and pain. When the baby wanted to quit sports because of a heavy load, she always encouraged her, said that over time she would understand the truth and the meaning of hard work. For which the daughter is very grateful to her, she often recalls her mother's words, approval and help. According to the girl, there can be many friends, but there is only one friend, the best and closest, and this is mom.



The girl's professional career began in 2007 and continues to the present. A little chronology in her achievements.

The debut of the young athlete on the international arena took place at the end of 2013. At the gymnasium in Brazil, she won team gold, bronze in floor exercises, took fourth place on the balance beam and two more non-prize places. Prior to this event, she had already managed to take part in the Russian championship and win her first medals, both team and individual in the all-around.

2014 was marked by new medals and prizes in the European Championship, the all-around championship of Russia, she took gold in the command staff among juniors. The same year was the first step on the way to the Olympics, she joined the youth team and took first place in the absolute championship. In addition, she won gold in uneven bars and silver in floor exercises in the finals of certain types of the Olympiad.

2015 was no less significant, she was invited to the Russian national team. As part of the national team, she became the silver medalist in the vault and the champion in team performances at the European Games (Baku). The World Championship in Glasgow did not bring prizes, but the girl did not lose heart and set new goals for herself.

Having put a lot of effort into her work, improving her demonstration performances, Seda as part of the Russian women's team achieved victory in team performances at the European Championships in Bern (June 2016). It was a well-deserved victory for a young athlete who applied perseverance and willpower to achieve her goal. And the most significant for her was the victory at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in August 2016, where she became a silver medalist.


2017 year. Championship of Russia: first places in team all-around, vault and balance beam, 3 - floor exercises, 4 - personal all-around, 8 - parallel bars.

2018 year. Championship of Russia (Kazan): third place in the team all-around and 7th in the vault.

2019 year. Championship of Russia (Penza): first place in team all-around, 6 - parallel bars, 7 - beam and 12 in individual all-around.


An unusual gymnast has in her arsenal a medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 1st degree (2016), which she received after the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, for her will to win and dedication. In addition, in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation she was awarded the medal "For Courage", since Seda represented the sports club of the army.


Today she is a student of the Smolensk Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, department of T&M gymnastics.


Personal life

Seda Tutkhalyan grew up as a very positive girl, she is respected and loved by teachers and classmates, they always speak warmly about her, remember her school years. Now she is appreciated and proud of her fellow students at the sports academy, teachers and a coach. She is an honored master of sports, plays for the team of CSiO "Sambo-70" division "Olympia" (CSKA). The athlete is constantly improving, complicating the program of performances, learning new numbers and elements. She is one of the most positive gymnasts in the national team.


In everyday life, this is a responsive girl with a beautiful and kind smile, infectious laugh. Loves roses, especially blue, soft toys, ice cream in a waffle cup and fantastic melodrama. For breakfast he prefers yoghurt and a sandwich or cheese cakes. She does not like loneliness, swearing, but sometimes it happens, she screams, loudly as in a forest, drives out negative energy. He wants to learn to dance, is a fan of Barcelona, although he does not consider himself an ardent fan and rarely watches football. In people she values politeness, solicitude and frankness.


The most hardworking gymnast turns 20 this year, but her adult career in gymnastics began almost five years ago. During this time, she managed to achieve a lot: silver medalist at the 2016 Rio Olympics, European Champion 2016, Champion of the first European Games 2015 and two-time Youth Olympic Champion 2014. But still ahead - new achievements, champion titles and good luck! Such a diligent and purposeful athlete will definitely succeed!