Vlasova Tatyana Alexandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Vlasova Tatyana Alexandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Vlasova Tatyana Alexandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

After graduating from the department of defectology of the university in 1929, Tatiana Vlasova enthusiastically took up work with the children. Tatiana Aleksandrovna's research activities have become a significant contribution to correctional work with the hearing impaired. Vlasova also devoted many years to work in the central party apparatus. But they remember her precisely as a defectologist of the highest level.

Tatiana Alexandrovna Vlasova
Tatiana Alexandrovna Vlasova

From the biography of Tatyana Vlasova

T. A. Vlasova was born on December 31, 1905 in the simplest peasant family. Her homeland is Buinsk, in Tatarstan. The times were difficult, the country was at a turning point. Russia needed specialists who could put education on a new track. Finishing in the early 20s. school, Tatiana has already decided: she will connect her life with pedagogy and start working with children. For some time Vlasova worked in schools and orphanages, being an educator and teacher.

Educated at the capital university. After that, she spent a lot of energy on important work in the commission, which was involved in organizing a scientific center for defectology. The Experimental Institute, which later grew into the Research Institute of Defectology, became the first such institution in the world. At first, Vlasova headed the department of clinical diagnostics in it, then took the position of deputy director, and later headed the institute.

After the end of the war, Tatyana Aleksandrovna was actively involved in party work in the central apparatus of the CPSU for many years, where she also made a serious career. At the same time, Vlasova did not abandon science; eventually she returned to the Institute of Defectology, where she headed the scientific work.

Contribution to science and creativity

T. A. Vlasova became the initiator of a number of serious directions in science. She studied the influence of the auditory analyzer on the development of children, participated in the creation of methods for corrective and educational work with children with hearing impairment. Vlasova published a number of significant works on oligophrenopedagogy and deaf pedagogy. With the direct participation of Vlasova, a study of the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren who had mental retardation was conducted. The result of the organizational work was a network of correctional schools and classes in educational institutions.

The scientific works of T. Vlasova are distinguished by the depth of consideration of the issues raised. Tatyana Aleksandrovna took on the most acute problems of defectology, which no one had developed before her.

Colleagues have repeatedly noted Vlasova's passion and dedication when discussing issues of defectology that are significant from a practical point of view. She had the occasion to defend her opinion in scientific discussions many times. And Tatiana Alexandrovna always found weighty arguments in support of her position.

Vlasova achieved the adoption of new criteria in the diagnosis of the so-called mental retardation. Before that, children with serious hearing impairments were often classified as mentally retarded and sent to the appropriate schools for no reason at all. After the development of new generation diagnostic procedures, this shortcoming in the staffing of educational institutions was eliminated: special schools for children with hearing impairments appeared.

Tatiana Aleksandrovna completed her earthly journey on June 16, 1986, leaving behind a good memory.