How To Explain To A Child What The Bible Is

How To Explain To A Child What The Bible Is
How To Explain To A Child What The Bible Is

Children ask many questions that require careful and thoughtful explanation. The most difficult questions are about faith and the Bible. The scriptures teach a person how to live correctly, but how to explain it intelligibly to a small child?

How to explain to a child what the Bible is
How to explain to a child what the Bible is

The story of God

First, pay attention to the child that the whole world around was created by God in ancient times. Once upon a time, many thousands of years ago, none of this existed: there was only darkness, the vast expanses of the Universe, and there was the Lord God. He is also called the Creator or Creator, because it was he who decided to create this beautiful world.

God created the earth and the sky, numerous stars in the firmament and the sun, which warms and illuminates the earth. By the will of God, forests and fields, rivers, seas and lakes appeared. The Lord created fish, birds and animals. All who inhabit the planet were created according to the design and desire of God. When the Lord created this earthly splendor, he decided to create man so that he would live on earth and take care of all the surrounding God's creation and be a full owner.

The Creator created the first man - Adam from a piece of the earth of this world. He blinded the human body and breathed soul into it, endowed it with mind and consciousness. After a while, the Creator saw that man was sad to live alone on earth, and God wished to give man a life partner. He let Adam into a deep sleep and took out one of the ribs from which he created the first woman - Eve. She became a friend and wife to Adam.

The first family healed happily, and they had many children. Over time, people became more and more, and the world was populated by new families. Different nations appeared who believed in God and worshiped him.

But some people lived in ignorance: they knew little about God, about His disciples, who performed feats to convey to people knowledge about the Most High and the rules of life. Therefore, for all people on earth, the disciples of God decided to write a sacred book about life.

The Bible is the holy book of life

God's disciples wrote a detailed book about the rules of life and called it the Bible. In the book, they described how God created the world: for six days he worked decorating the earth with plants, fruits and flowers, and on the seventh day God rested and admired the fruits of his creation.

So the Lord bequeathed to people on earth to work six days a week, and to devote the seventh to rest, contemplation of beauty and communication in thoughts with God. This scripture contains the words of the Creator about how the world works and what rules must be followed in order to live happily.

The Lord bequeathed the people he created to live in peace and harmony, love the world and everyone around him, help the weak and do only good deeds.
