What Can Be The Harm From Using Swear Words?

What Can Be The Harm From Using Swear Words?
What Can Be The Harm From Using Swear Words?

Swear words have long been included in our culture and are used in almost all strata of society to one degree or another. Many talk about the negative influence of the mate on the general level of culture or attribute to it a negative influence on a par with witchcraft. What influence does mate have in communication?

What can be the harm from using swear words?
What can be the harm from using swear words?

The origin of the mat

Swear words have a very ancient origin. Their roots can be traced back to pagan times, when these and similar words were part of marriage rituals and were used for rituals to increase fertility. Thus, earlier these words were associated with the deep generic essence of a person, and much later they began to be used to offend another person or to embellish their narrative.

However, the connection with deep power still remained. And, knowing about it or not, every time uttering obscene words, a person, one way or another, comes into contact with this force. This is confirmed by one curious experiment conducted by British scientists. They suggested that people experience a strong painful sensation from immersing their hands in ice water and endure it as long as it is tolerated. In one series of experiments, participants were allowed to shout obscene words, in another, neutral words. As a result, it turned out that subjects who indulge in mate could endure pain longer.

What does this mean? The fact that while shouting obscene words, a person turns to his generic power and can somehow use it. On the other hand, this power is a strategic reserve that can be used in an emergency, as our ancestors did. If you use this resource constantly, then it will be depleted and all this can end up very badly, as with other methods of depletion of vitality - a person will become less resilient and in a real critical situation he will have nowhere to take his strength. By the way, in the villages there is such a belief that inveterate swearing people do not live long.

Research of the influence of swear words by scientific methods

There are also scientifically proven ways to demonstrate the impact of mate. The Japanese researcher Masuru Emoto had any informational influence on ordinary water, then he froze the water and photographed the crystals that were obtained as a result of this procedure. And it turned out that positive influence, positive information, melodic music and even just good words addressed to water form very beautiful and harmonious crystals. And the negative influence, destructive music, curses and radiation from household appliances destroy these crystals and, as a result, ugly pictures are obtained. The same pattern was revealed when pronouncing obscene words. The scientist's experiments are confirmed by a series of photographs.


The first picture shows a crystal of water, which is formed if you “say” the word “thank you” to water. The second figure shows the result of the impact of swearing and foul language. In the second picture, the structure of the water has taken on an ugly configuration.

Since we are all made of water, we can only imagine what structure water acquires in our body if we act on it with obscene words.

Let's summarize. So, there are several facts proving the negative influence of obscene words, and let it be up to everyone to swear or not.