Albert Leonidovich Filozov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Albert Leonidovich Filozov: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Albert Leonidovich Filozov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

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Are there many people who have changed the profession of a turner to the vocation of an artist? It seems that not very much. However, there are such, and one of them is the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Albert Leonidovich Filozov - he was born in Yekaterinburg in 1937.

Albert Leonidovich Filozov: biography, career and personal life
Albert Leonidovich Filozov: biography, career and personal life

Viewers remember Albert Filozov in the ranks of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, then People's Artist of Russia, but that was much later, but for now - studying at a studio school, working in the Yermolova theater and serving in the army - in a sapper battalion. Since 1963 - at the theater. KS Stanislavsky and the theater "School of the modern play". There were also entertaining performances in other theaters.

And there were also directorial works: the play "2x2 = 5" in collaboration with O. Gusiletov and the play "Suicide of Lovers on the Island of Heavenly Nets" - an independent work.

The biography of Albert Iosifovich also includes a teaching page: he taught one of the courses at VGIK, and also taught at the department of directing at the RATI.

As for the awards - in addition to the honorary titles, Filozov was awarded the Order of Friendship in 2004 and became a laureate of the V. A. Mironov "Figaro" in 2014.

Where did such an extraordinary talent come from? By nature, Albert had vocal abilities, and he sang in the school choir, often soloed. And in the cinema, he fell in love with the projection booth, where his mother was the main person.

After the 7th grade, he already works as a turner at a ball bearing plant, and he auditioned for the Moscow Art Theater School at the age of 18. Since this all started…

Film career

Filozov's cinematic life began quite early - when he was only 23 years old. For that time, this is a rarity. True, the roles were episodic, and the real role - Hauptsturmführer Otto von Thalwig, happened in 1968, in the film "Sons of the Fatherland".

Since the beginning of the 70s, the actor has been assigned the role of "quiet" - modest, inconspicuous, and he had several such roles: the melodrama "Quiet" (1973) and "The Great Tamer" (1974). There were children's pictures: "Mary Poppins" (1984) and "You never dreamed of" (1980).

The famous Filozov was also in demand in the 2000s: the series "The Fifth Angel", the historical drama "Pechorin", the melodrama "Poor Nastya" and others.

His most recent works were in 2015, when he was already 78 years old - this is the Ukrainian film "Song of Songs" and the melodrama "The Chosen One". The complete list of the actor includes 150 films.

Albert Iosifovich Filozov died on April 11, 2016 from a serious illness. Despite suffering, he continued to play in the theater almost until his death.

Personal life

Despite the appearance of "quiet", Albert had an explosive character, and could fend for himself. This is probably why he married three times. The first marriage lasted only two years, in the second he lived for 20 years, his wife was Alla, an employee of VGIK, who bore him a son.

And at the age of 50, he met Natalia - his last love, meeting with whom he changed his life. Since then, he had “his girls,” as Filozov affectionately called his family - his wife and two daughters.

He tried to protect them from all adversity, and even knowing that he did not have long to live, he went from the hospital to the apartment of his son from his second wife. And most of all in his last days he was glad that his eldest son and new family found mutual understanding.

Buried Albert Iosifovich Filozov at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.
