Bortnik Ivan Sergeevich: Biography, Personal Life

Bortnik Ivan Sergeevich: Biography, Personal Life
Bortnik Ivan Sergeevich: Biography, Personal Life

At a certain stage of development, Soviet cinema occupied a leading position in the world. Indian "Bollywood" and American "Hollywood" willingly adopted the experience of our actors and directors. There is nothing surprising. The domestic school for training performers functioned on the principles of socialist realism. An illustrative example of this statement is the creative fate of Ivan Sergeevich Bortnik, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Ivan Sergeevich Bortnik
Ivan Sergeevich Bortnik

Youth throwing

When it comes to a famous actor, it is considered obligatory to list all the films in which he starred. Yes, this is an important indicator of a performer's creativity. However, it often happens that a graduate of a theater school will play an episodic role - three minutes in a two-hour tape - and will be remembered by the audience for many years. Critics and experts habitually classify Ivan Bortnik as supporting actors. There is some truth in such an assessment, but his work on the screen or on stage is distinguished by a deep penetration into the assigned role.

Ivan Sergeevich Bortnik is a native Muscovite. Was born in 1939. My father held a responsible position at Goslitizdat. Mother - at the Institute of Philology. The child grew up in a family with a calm and businesslike atmosphere. Parents, as is customary, took care of their child and seriously prepared him for an independent life. To limit the boy's uncontrolled presence on the street, he was enrolled in a music school in the cello class. Vanya did not show much interest in music lessons and, having received a certificate of maturity, decided to become an actor.

I must say, while still a schoolboy, Ivan with a great desire was engaged in an amateur art studio. At that time, there was a film studio in the pioneers' house, and the children willingly attended it. It was during that period that young Bortnik developed a love for reincarnation on stage. After some hesitation and doubts, the high school graduate entered the Shchukin Theater School. Here, talented students received basic education, which ensured successful professional activities in the future.

On stage and in the frame

The creative biography of Ivan Sergeevich Bortnik developed without any special jumps and falls. Having defended his diploma at Pike, he accepted an invitation to work at the Gogol Theater. But my career did not work out here. A few years later, in 1967, Bortnik moved to the Theater on Taganskaya Square. The fact is that the main director of this theater, Yuri Lyubimov, knew Ivan from his student days. At that time, the theater gained wide popularity among Soviet and foreign audiences for its innovative approach to staging performances.

Theatrical life was not bad for Bortnik. He convincingly played the assigned roles in the performances At the Bottom, Mother, Boris Godunov. The textured actor was regularly invited to work on the movie screen. Bortnik very subtly played in the film "Ivan da Marya". Universal fame and popular love brought him a cameo role in the cult film "The meeting place cannot be changed." You can continue to list the roles played on the movie screen. It is important to note that in the end Ivan Sergeevich received the title of People's Artist of Russia. The decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation in 2000.

The personal life of a popular actor developed on the second try. The wife studied at the art school. She has nothing to do with her husband's work. They have a son who shies away from the profession of an actor. Little is known about how Ivan Bortnik lives today. He is not a fan of talking to journalists and signing autographs.
