Where To Go To Live From Russia

Where To Go To Live From Russia
Where To Go To Live From Russia

“Where I was born, there I came in handy” - this is the famous phrase. However, another popular wisdom says: "A fish seeks - where it is deeper, and a man - where it is easier." Low incomes, uncertainty about the future, corruption and bureaucracy, fear for children - all this sometimes leads Russian citizens to the thought: "Why not seek happiness abroad?"

Where to go to live from Russia
Where to go to live from Russia

There are many countries on earth, the standard of living in which, against the background of the Russian one, may seem very tempting. But do not think that you will be immediately welcomed with open arms. There are many applicants, so the selection of applicants for citizenship is strict and picky. In addition, do not forget: even if you are fluent in the language of the chosen country, it will be difficult for you to adapt to local customs, traditions, demeanor. In any case, there is no guarantee that you will be accepted as an equal.

For example, Japan has a very high standard of living. But, first, it is achieved through extremely hard work. Secondly, the mentality of the Japanese is so peculiar that it is very difficult for a foreigner to get used to it. Add to this the hot and humid climate in most of the country, frequent natural disasters - earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis. Is it any wonder that there are so few foreigners living in Japan?

Or, say, New Zealand. A fabulously beautiful country with highly developed agriculture and impeccable ecology. However, natural disasters often occur there too. In addition, it is not easy to obtain a residence permit there: one must either be a highly qualified specialist with the required profession, or invest a large sum in the local industry and business.

Russian citizens with Jewish roots can emigrate to the State of Israel. Among the advantages: a high standard of living, social benefits, well-developed health care, infrastructure. Cons: very hot climate, frequent terrorist attacks due to the tense situation in the region.

Some people opt for the Czech Republic. This country has many advantages: a convenient location (in the center of Europe, not far from Russia), a temperate climate, beautiful nature, relatively low prices for food and clothing, a similar language, a relatively similar mentality. But after the Czech Republic joined the European Union, unemployment rose sharply there. The competition in the tourism business, for example, where many foreigners work, is very high. And recently it has become much more difficult to obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic.

In any case, first make detailed inquiries about the selected country, gather more information. And then think again: isn't it wiser to try to arrange your life in Russia? After all, another popular wisdom says: "Everywhere it is good, where we are not."
