End Of The World: When Will It Come?

End Of The World: When Will It Come?
End Of The World: When Will It Come?

It is natural for a person to think about his future, as well as the fate of his descendants. Therefore, information about the end of the world, as a rule, interests, if not all inhabitants of the Earth, then very many …

End of the world: when will it come?
End of the world: when will it come?

The end of the world - what it could be

Throughout the history of mankind, many exact dates for the upcoming end of the world have been named. In particular, according to the calculations of Galileo Galilei, the end of the world could have come due to cataclysms caused by an anomalous supermoon, as early as 1795, and in 1848 people awaited with trepidation the end of the world, predicted by the Romanian Saint Callinicus. On November 24, 1993, the day of the "Last Judgment" did not come, which was allegedly calculated by one of the leaders of the "Great White Brotherhood YUSMALOS", who was called the prophet of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI Khristos.

At the end of 2012, humanity was waiting for the next date when, according to the calendar of the ancient Mayans, the time cycle would end. However, this forecast, which at one time caused a heated discussion, was criticized both by scientists (the new version of the decoding showed that the cycle does not "end" at all, but is only replaced by another), and the owners of alternative knowledge. For example, astrologers, who have thoroughly studied all combinations of planets in a specified period of time, have not found anything that could indicate the collapse of humanity. Physicists also had their say, responsibly declaring that it is too early for the inhabitants of our planet to worry …

Among the most probable reasons for the death of the world's population, the most frequently mentioned ones can be distinguished:

- global military operations with the use of biological and nuclear weapons;

- pandemic;

- overpopulation of the Earth and the resulting hunger;

- a large-scale environmental disaster and / or growing climatic changes (including global warming or cooling), this also includes the critical level of ozone layer destruction;

- the eruption of one of the supervolcanoes, for example, Yellowstone;

- comic threat: a collision with an asteroid or aggression from foreign civilizations, as well as many other options for the development of events.

Scientists argue about which factors may be the most powerful in the approach of the end of the world, but they agree on one thing - it is simply impossible to name its exact date.

Who benefits from the news of the impending death of humanity

In 2012, when a forecast was discussed around the world, allegedly encrypted in the calendar of the ancient Maya, not everyone did it with fear or panic. The end of the world, which was supposedly expected on December 21 or 23, 2012, has brought many enterprising people new opportunities for enrichment. For example, such outlandish offers as booking places in underground bunkers, share participation in the creation of spaceships with subsequent delivery to the Moon (or other celestial objects where it was proposed to "wait out" Armageddon-2012), as well as tourist trips to places, became very popular. where supposedly you can survive after the end of the world.

Then the residents of the southern states of Mexico, as well as Guatemala and Honduras got a good chance to improve their financial situation. After all, the interest of tourists in these regions, where the ancient Mayans once lived, has reached unprecedented heights. Local residents prepared special excursions to the preserved ancient buildings and organized colorful celebrations in an effort to attract the attention of foreigners. However, as representatives of local authorities were forced to state, many cultural and historical monuments were damaged, unable to withstand the influx of tourists.

It is known that sometimes interest in the end of the world is artificially fueled by the media, preparing potential viewers for the release of the next Hollywood blockbuster or thriller. Charlatans also take advantage of this - some offer to freeze the client's body after death and send it into space (in order to unfreeze and revive it after a few hundred or thousands of years), while others guarantee powerful protection against any misfortune, including a nuclear catastrophe on a universal scale.
