Vladimir Sharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Sharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vladimir Sharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The writer at all times expresses his judgments about the surrounding life, about the past and future of the world in his works. Very often his views and opinions do not coincide with generally accepted ideas and dogmas. Vladimir Sharov looked at events through the prism of his own ideas.

Vladimir Sharov
Vladimir Sharov

Starting conditions

At a certain historical period of time, young men, pale with a burning gaze, sincerely believed that a poet in Russia is more than a poet. Many schoolchildren began to write poetry and prose. They tried to enter the famous Literary Institute with all their might. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sharov did not feel the desire to become an “engineer of human souls,” as writers were often called. Although the boy was born on April 7, 1952 in the family of a writer and journalist. Parents lived in Moscow and the Literary Institute, figuratively speaking, was around the corner.

My father worked in one of the publishing houses. Mother taught physics at a higher educational institution. Vladimir showed certain abilities from an early age. He learned to read early. I was quick to think. He could easily add and multiply large numbers in his head. According to all the rules of upbringing, the boy was assigned to a physics and mathematics school. Sharov studied well. I always found a common language with classmates. At the same time, he easily succumbed to influence from the outside. It was easy for his friends to invite him and run away from school.


Having received his secondary education, Vladimir, at the insistence of his parents, entered the Plekhanov Institute. This is one of the best economic universities in Russia. For some reason, studying at the famous educational institution did not work out. A month later, student Sharov issued an academic leave. He sat down at the table and wrote a cycle of fairy tales. It is important to note that the student's father also wrote similar works for children. In a good sense of the word, imitating the elders, Volodya not only composed fairy tales, but managed to publish them in one of the literary magazines.

However, literary creation did not help. Returning to the student auditorium, Sharov did not last long here. He was kicked out of the institute for sabotaging the educational process. In this context, it should be noted that Moscow remains a large village. After the expulsion, Vladimir was not admitted to any educational institution in the capital. After long ordeals, he managed to find a compromise solution. The future writer went to Voronezh and entered the history department of the local university. There were vacancies only in the correspondence department.


On the way to creativity

Part-time education is attractive in that the writer has a lot of time to practice his craft. At the same time, you have to take care of our daily bread. At first, Sharov worked as a loader in a railway dead end. The poor student had to transship coal, bricks and other goods in order to get his labor gold coin. Vladimir otmantuli three seasons in Central Asia by workers of an archaeological expedition. The impressions were deposited not only by calluses on the palms, but also by touching lines of poetry.

The state of Khorezm once flourished in the vastness from the Aral Sea to the Caspian Sea. Sharov remembered this in the poem of the same name. And also "The cart will make a track", "In the fall until the leaves fall" and a whole series of simple and heartfelt poems that are understandable and close to every inhabitant of Russia. Two years after graduating from university, the writer published his first essay on a historical theme in Novy Mir magazine. His poems regularly appeared on the pages of this edition. Having received his diploma in 1977, the young specialist entered the postgraduate course of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs.


Working on a given topic, Sharov, as they say, shoveled large volumes of archival documents. As often happens with such procedures, the graduate student collected information on several novels. In 1984 he brilliantly defended his Ph. D. thesis on the topic "Problems of the social and political history of Russia at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries." Through his efforts, the scientist made a worthy contribution to the development of historical science. Plus, he has developed a certain style of presenting thoughts, ideas and concepts.

Writing trails

Vladimir Sharov began to actively publish his works in the 90s. The first novel "Chronicle of one kind in thoughts, comments and dates" appeared on the pages of the magazine "Ural". In fact, in all his texts, the writer forms the concept of latent Russian religiosity. In the novel The Resurrection of Lazarus, the events of the Great Terror are interpreted as the mortification of the flesh of the victims for the sake of saving their souls. It can be said in another way - the writer does not dare to reveal the true reasons for the so-called "Stalinist repressions".


The writing career of Vladimir Alexandrovich Sharov was quite successful. His works were regularly published in "thick" magazines. For the venerable author, there were always free pages in the Znamya magazine. In 2014 he received the Russian Booker Prize for the novel Return to Egypt. Two years later, in the novel The Kingdom of Agamemnon, the writer demonstrated his unbridled imagination and ability to draw historical parallels. Demonstrated and received a grant from the Swiss Literary Foundation.

The personal life of the writer has developed according to the standard scheme. He lived in marriage with Olga Dunaevskaya until his death. Husband and wife belonged to the same workshop - writing. There was no creative rivalry between them. Vladimir Alexandrovich Sharov died in August 2018 from cancer. Buried in Moscow.
