Yuri Magalif: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Yuri Magalif: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Yuri Magalif: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The fate of an individual is largely determined by the events that take place in the country. Yuri Magalif did not come to Novosibirsk of his own free will. But, as they say, he took root and stayed here forever.

Yuri Magalif
Yuri Magalif

Childhood and youth

In this person, a poet and a painter, a storyteller and a publicist, an actor and a writer are united. The biography of Yuri Mikhailovich Magalif can serve as the basis for an adventure novel. He wrote a lot himself, using his experience of survival in extreme conditions. Moreover, all the writer's works are imbued with optimism and love. His paintings and photographs reflect only the bright sides of everyday life. Only a very kind and reckless person could write a tale about the adventures of a gutta-percha monkey, "The Adventures of Jacone."


The future writer was born on July 16, 1918 in a noble family. Parents at that time lived in the revolutionary city of Petrograd. His father, a descendant of the count's dynasty, worked as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. Mother, from a clan of Polish gentry, led a secular life. Representatives of the creative intelligentsia often gathered in the house. Among them were the writer Boris Zhitkov and the famous children's poet Samuil Marshak. In the house, it was customary to communicate in French. Yura studied his native Russian on the street, communicating with his peers.


Creative activity

Yuri studied well at school. In 1935 he decided to study at the acting department of the theater institute. At the same time, the mother, as a representative of the nobility, was exiled from Leningrad to Kazakhstan. In the spring of 1941 Magalif was arrested on charges of espionage and sentenced to six years of exile in Novosibirsk. The new city in Siberia developed rapidly. Prisoners worked on the construction of civil and industrial facilities. Yuri also made his contribution to the development of the city.


After his release from prison, in 1946, Magalif was admitted to the Novosibirsk Philharmonic. He read poetry from the stage. The interest in poetry in those years was very high. People could listen for hours to the poems of Sergei Yesenin, Boris Pasternak, Konstantin Simonov. Yuri Mikhailovich toured the most remote villages and towns with concerts. There were no clubs in many localities. This fact did not bother the reader - he performed in the open air. In 1957 Magalif wrote the first book for children. A year later, a collection of stories for adults came out.


Recognition and privacy

Magalif's literary work was awarded the Garin-Mikhailovsky Prize. He was a member of the USSR Writers' Union. The writer's works for children have been translated into many foreign languages.

The personal life of Yuri Mikhailovich turned out well. He was married twice. In the second marriage, the husband and wife lived under the same roof for almost fifty years. Magalif passed away in January 2001. He was buried at the Zaeltsovsky cemetery in Novosibirsk.
