Joachim Sauer is a famous German quantum chemist. Professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Since 2018, a foreign member of the British Kroliev Society.

The future scientist was born in April 1949 on the nineteenth in the small German town of Hosen. His parents were Richard Sauer, a local pastry chef and part-time insurance agent, who died in 1972, and Elfriede Sauer, who later died in 1999. Joachim was born in a difficult time for Germany and all of Europe as a whole - after the end of the Second World War. The victorious allied coalition divided Germany into its spheres of influence, in other words, occupied the territory of the former aggressor country.
At school, Sauer studied well and after graduation planned to connect his life with science and research. And so it happened - having received a school education, he entered the university, graduated with honors and continued to study quantum chemistry.

When Joachim was 25 years old, he studied at the University of Humboldt, where he received a doctorate in chemistry and stayed to work as a teacher at the university. Three years later, he moved to the Berlin Academy of Sciences. There, until the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the unification of the country, he was engaged in scientific activities.
Sauer always avoided politics and was exclusively engaged in science, during the years of occupation this greatly hampered his activities, since he refused to join the communist party. Nevertheless, he managed to achieve recognition in the academic environment in Germany, and after the fall of the Iron Curtain - in the world.

When the wall in Berlin fell, Joachim, like all East Germans, was able to travel the world. Sauer immediately decided to take this opportunity and went to the American city of San Diego, where he spent a whole year working at the Biochemical Institute. During this time, he made an invaluable contribution to the development of special computer programs that can check the molecular structure and composition of drugs.
In 1992, he returned to Germany, to his native institute, where he began to study the properties of porous minerals. Today he is an acting professor at the Humboldt Institute.

Personal life
Despite his natural modesty, Joachim unwittingly became famous and recognizable. This is largely the merit of his wife. Sauer is married to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom he has known since childhood. The marriage with Merkel is the second in the life of the famous scientist; from his first marriage he has two sons: Adrian and Daniel.
Joachim still tries to avoid politics, despite the fact that his wife is a well-known politician. In public speeches and interviews, the scientist prefers to talk about science and achievements in quantum chemistry. He also tries not to talk about personal preferences and hobbies.