What Is An Electoral Program

What Is An Electoral Program
What Is An Electoral Program

Video: What Is An Electoral Program

Video: What Is An Electoral Program

The election program of a candidate or political party is the basis for electoral campaigning. A well-designed program allows you to get the largest number of votes, encouraging voters by indicating effective methods for solving acute problems.

What is an electoral program
What is an electoral program

An electoral program is a document that touches on the most pressing problems that have arisen in the political situation of the country and ways to solve them. In addition, rival candidates and their proposed methods can be assessed. The program should inspire voters with the positive effectiveness of choosing a particular candidate. When drawing up an election program, they are guided by the potential circle of voters who can vote for it, as well as by the already established team of supporters of the candidate to maintain their interest. Presentation of the election program is called a program message of candidates. It is carried out through the media, in particular on the Internet. There are also public appearances at meetings, public debates, debates, rallies, demonstrations and other events. Leaflets and other campaign materials are produced, including billboards and television spots. The order of pre-election speeches is established by state law, according to which there are restrictions on the content of the program. For example, the text of this document should not contain, in a direct or hidden form, propaganda ideas of violent change or violation of the integrity of the existing constitutional order, inciting hatred on national, religious, class, racial grounds and other types of contradictions. The election program is announced before the election commission, which is carefully checks it for compliance with the current laws of the constitution. The commission has the right to deny registration to a candidate or cancel it if the program was nominated by an already registered election participant. In his election program, the candidate must indicate the reason why he should be chosen for a particular post. The text of the document must be convincing and not contain conflicting statements.