What Is The Electoral System In Russia

What Is The Electoral System In Russia
What Is The Electoral System In Russia

The electoral system in Russia, as in any other democratic state, is an essential element of the political system. It is regulated by the electoral law - a set of norms and laws that are binding on all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The electoral system reflects the principles and conditions for the formation of state bodies, and also establishes the procedure and organization of the electoral process.

What is the electoral system in Russia
What is the electoral system in Russia

The main laws governing the electoral system in Russia are the Constitutions of the states and republics that make up it. In addition, other local regulations are in force in this area: statutes of the subjects of the Federation, federal and republican laws, decrees and orders of the President, heads of administrations, other executive bodies. The basis of electoral law in the country is equal, direct, general elections, carried out by secret ballot. … It is designed to ensure freedom of election campaigning and equal rights for all candidates participating in the elections. When conducting an electoral campaign. The peculiarity of the electoral process in Russia is the mixed principle of the system of representation. It uses both the majority and proportional way of nominating candidates. Under the majoritarian approach, one candidate is elected from one constituency by an absolute or relative majority of votes. But in this case, the minority does not have its own representation in the government. The use of the proportional scheme allows the minority to get seats in parliament and have a representation adequate to the size of this minority. It establishes a correspondence between the number of votes cast for a particular party and the number of seats that representatives of this party will receive in parliament. A significant drawback of this system is that the connection between the electorate and a specific deputy, the representative of the winning party, is lost. The proportional scheme has proven itself perfectly in those countries where there is a long-formed multi-party system. Since this process has not yet been completed in Russia and new parties are constantly emerging on the political field, it has recently been discussed to dwell on the majoritarian electoral system.