The Truth About The Pan-Orthodox Council

The Truth About The Pan-Orthodox Council
The Truth About The Pan-Orthodox Council

Orthodox Christians around the world are awaiting an important historical event - the convening of a Pan-Orthodox Council. Expectations from the gathering of representatives of all autocephalous Orthodox Churches were divided. Most Christians were enthusiastic about the news of the convening of a Council on the island of Crete, while others are concerned about the dire consequences of such an act.

The Truth About the 2016 Pan-Orthodox Council
The Truth About the 2016 Pan-Orthodox Council

The meeting of the primates of the Christian Churches (hierarchs and leading experts in the field of doctrine, norms of church law, liturgical theology, etc.) is called the Council in the Christian tradition. In the ancient Christian Church, the practice of calling Councils was common. The priests discussed important doctrinal issues, as well as the practical side of the life of Christians.

In 2016, an important historical event will take place on the island of Crete - the convocation of a Pan-Orthodox Council, in which delegations of all independent (autocephalous) Orthodox Churches will take part. Preparations for the convocation of this Council began in 1961. Such a large meeting of the hierarchs of the Church will be the first in hundreds of years after the convocation of the well-known Ecumenical Councils.

As the date of the Council approaches (it will take place from 18th to 27th June 2016), opponents of this action begin to appear among Christians. Some Christians actively condemn Russian hierarchs for participating in the meeting, calling the Pan-Orthodox Council "wolfish". The hearts and minds of some Christians are disturbed by the prophecy that after the 8th Ecumenical Council the Antichrist will come to the world and the end of the world will approach.

Some believers believe that the 2016 Pan-Orthodox Council will pass decrees denigrating the holiness of the Orthodox Church. These include: unity with Catholics, the abolition of posts, calendar reform, the introduction of a married episcopate, and the second marriage of the clergy. In this regard, dozens of letters and video messages are sent to the Moscow Patriarchate, expressing concern about the upcoming meeting of hierarchs of the entire Orthodox Church. The Russian clergy could not but respond to accusations of deviating from the purity of Orthodoxy - a document was published on the website of the Moscow Patriarchate explaining the entire list of issues brought up for conciliar discussion.

First of all, it should be noted that the Pan-Orthodox Council is not the 8th Ecumenical Council. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow clearly and directly testified to this. In addition, many saints and church writers called the Council in Constantinople, which took place in 879-880, as the Eighth Ecumenical Council. At this meeting, amendments to the Symbol of Faith were condemned, which is now proclaimed in all Orthodox churches / Councils of the mid-14th century, held in Constantinople, are of particular importance for the Church. They are known in history as the resolution of disputes about the "Tabor Light" (Palamite disputes) and about the knowledge of God through His energies. Thus, the Pan-Orthodox Council of 2016 cannot be considered the 8th Ecumenical Council.

At the end of January 2016, at the Meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches, a decision was made to submit six questions to the Pan-Orthodox Council (you can find them literally on the website of the Moscow Patriarchate). At the same time, it has already been openly stated that no dogmatic issues of doctrine in Crete will be discussed, since it makes no sense to introduce innovations and any distortions into the field of Orthodox doctrine.

The main purpose of convening a Pan-Orthodox Council is the agreed opinion of the Orthodox Church on the pressing problems of modern society, as well as some issues of the norms of church law that have not received general recognition.

  1. … This document not only does not abolish fasting, but, on the contrary, emphasizes the special significance and generally binding nature of all four multi-day periods of abstinence. The posts of Petrov, Uspensky and Rozhdestvensky were historically not enshrined in Orthodox canons.
  2. … A very important practical question will be devoted to who has the right to proclaim the autonomy (independence) of the Church. The document expresses the opinion that each autocephalous Church itself has the right to give independence (autonomy) to any of its parts. Thus, the issue of the optional proclamation of autonomy exclusively by the Patriarch of Constantinople will be considered.
  3. … This document clearly indicates the prohibition on the second marriage of the clergy, as well as on the marriage of monastics (to the question of the possibility of entering into a marriage union for bishops).

  4. Another document, which will be considered at the Pan-Orthodox Council, is called upon to resolve the question of the canonical (believers geographically dispersed outside the boundaries of any Orthodox Church). The issue of creating Episcopal assemblies in certain regions for the implementation of a normal canonical life and assistance to believers will be discussed.
  5. - a document designed to express the attitude of Orthodoxy to contemporary problems of morality. In addition, it reflects the spiritual causes of the economic crisis, as well as the social and political spheres of modern society.
  6. This document does not imply a change to the Creed. No dogmatic Catholic formulations will be included in the Niko-Constantinople Symbol. The document explains that the Orthodox Church must bear witness to the truth of doctrine before the whole world, before all confessions. At the same time, the concepts of “equality of confessions” and “equal salvation” of those cannot be referred to as heterodox. The unity of Christians can be built only on the acceptance of the purity of the faith of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is the Orthodox Church.

The question of calendar reform will not be discussed at all at the Pan-Orthodox Council.

The method of making this or that decision at the Council is also of particular importance. It provides for the unanimous consent of all representatives of the autocephalous Churches ("the consent of the fathers"). Thus, the exclusive consent of everyone on a particular issue will be the main factor in the adoption of a resolution (as opposed to voting through a majority). This is a clear example of the unity of the Orthodox Church.

Based on the above, Orthodox believers have absolutely no need to worry about the coming Council. He is not heretical, he will not change and accept doctrinal truths alien to Orthodoxy, and there will be no liturgical unity with Catholics. Therefore, the hierarchy of the ROC calls on some believers to abandon their attacks on the Pan-Orthodox Council and stop confusing the minds of the faithful children of the Church of Christ. Orthodox people are recommended to offer prayers to God for the worthy holding of the Holy and Great Council on the island of Crete in 2016.