Ambitious people strive by all means to demonstrate their property and social superiority. During the period of economic reforms, the chances of realizing one's ambitions increase sharply. Alexey Shapovalov “amassed” his capital with hard work.

Starting conditions
In the early 90s, completely unexpectedly for the world community and citizens of the country, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. The consequences of this event immediately affected the well-being of the population. One, insignificant part began to grow richer, and the other fell into poverty. According to international standards, such stratification is considered natural and logical. Many people simply could not understand the meaning of what was happening. Alexey Gennadievich Shapovalov, being a young man at that time, watched the events, not really delving into the essence of what was happening.
The future entrepreneur was born on August 14, 1976 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in the famous city of Samara, which at that time was called Kuibyshev. My father worked as a specialist in the city administration. Mother taught mathematics at the technical school. Alexey grew up and was brought up, on the street, in the midst of boys like him. When Shapovalov was seven years old, he went to school. He studied not badly, but he did not show much diligence. In high school, like all normal students, he began to think about choosing a profession.

Being an observant person, Alexey decided that he would not receive a higher education, especially a technical one. At that moment, a wave of ironic and sarcastic anecdotes about "Soviet engineers" was being unleashed in the press. At the same time, employment services invited lawyers and financiers to open vacancies. By his upbringing, Shapovalov was not disposed towards jurisprudence. And he showed interest in finance. In 1992, privatization of state property began across the country. Due to his youth, Alexey did not receive ownership of shares in an oil refinery or aircraft building enterprise.
The abrupt transition to market relations and shock therapy forced the former Soviet citizens to leave their comfort zone. And the future millionaire Shapovalov, full of energy, began to build his business on a simple and reliable basis. Alexey, as it is called, began to make money by speculating in tobacco products. I bought a pack of cigarettes for twenty kopecks and sold them for a ruble. All entrepreneurs in the world dream of a profit rate of 400%. It is important to note that many entrepreneurs and legal entities received their profit in this market segment. For several years, Shapovalov drove out all competitors with skillful marketing techniques.

Business scaling
Many wealthy people from the United States love to write memoirs in which they tell how they came to success. About how Shapovalov amassed his capital, the novels have not yet been written and serials have not been filmed. Alexey invested the financial assets accumulated in the tobacco market in the gambling industry. By the beginning of the 2000s, dozens of gaming salons operated in Samara. "One-armed bandits", as the press called slot machines, fell in love with the townspeople. Gambling people here lost their monthly salary in one evening.
Shapovalov does not deny that he made his contribution to the development of this addiction. At the suggestion of a businessman and with his participation, the Titan corporation appeared in the city. Several gambling clubs functioned under its auspices. In 2009, the federal government ruled to ban the gambling business. By that time, Shapovalov's corporation had received hundreds of billions of rubles in net profit. The businessman invested the obtained assets in the construction of the Zvezda shopping center and other facilities for commercial use.

Recognitions and awards
In the current chronological period, we can say that Shapovalov's entrepreneurial career has developed quite successfully. It should be emphasized that the businessman invests assets in the infrastructure not only of Samara, but also of neighboring regions. For several years he lived with his family in Ulyanovsk. Here Alexey was engaged in agricultural projects. It has long been known that agricultural land in the country is not used efficiently. Shapovalov made an attempt to change the situation in one separate region. Experts noted that a positive effect was obtained, but at the start they wanted more.
There are two interesting points in Shapovalov's biography. Unidentified persons attempted twice on his life. In one incident, a guard was injured. Some time after this incident, the entrepreneur was awarded a personalized firearm - a Makarov pistol with a dedication. The plate is engraved: "For active personal assistance by the FSB." What events are hidden behind this inscription is unknown to outsiders.

Hobbies and personal life
Since 2012, Shapovalov and his family have been permanently residing in the United Arab Emirates. In Russia, it happens on short visits when his intervention in current affairs is required. Colleagues and partners speak of him as aggressive, arrogant and harsh. However, no charges have been made for dishonesty.
There is enough information about the personal life of a businessman in open sources. He is married for a second time. The husband and wife are raising two children, a son and a daughter. The family travels a lot around the world. Alexey himself is fond of car racing. He prefers to watch the Formula 1 rally in real life.