A debate is a type of public discussion in which two teams discuss an actual issue from opposite positions in the discussion. Participation in debates contributes to the development of oratorical skills, the ability to reasonably prove one's thought, logical thinking and the acquisition of self-confidence. And in order to feel all the advantages of these mind games, you need to know how to properly prepare for the debate.

Step 1
Practice correctly and clearly articulating words. The main duty of the speaker is to convey the team's position to the audience in an accessible and convincing manner. Naturally, people with illegible speech will not see victory in debates. Therefore, when preparing for a speech, pronounce tongue twisters, monitor the rate of speech, the pitch and volume of your voice.
Step 2
Define a range of terms that you will appeal to during your speech. Each team must be informed about the topic of the discussion before the debate. In school and student debates, theses that the teams defend are also distributed in advance. Your task in preparing for the argumentation of such a thesis is to collect as much information as possible about the problem and clearly identify the terms that relate to it. By using them in your speech, you will prove your understanding of the main topic and subject of the debate.
Step 3
Build a line of argument for your team's main thesis. It should include: greeting the audience, introducing yourself and the team, justifying the relevance of the topic, putting forward a team thesis, giving arguments, summarizing what was said and expressing gratitude for their attention.
Step 4
Practice timing your speech. Each speaker has a strict time limit for speaking, which is usually limited to five minutes. During this time, you must have time to deliver the entire prepared speech and, moreover, do it in such a way that those who listen to you understand.
Step 5
Learn the basics of your speech. Sight-reading, of course, is not forbidden, but it is much more effective to establish eye contact with the audience, because this is what will give confidence to your image on the podium.