Is It Possible To Read The Qur'an Without Ablution

Is It Possible To Read The Qur'an Without Ablution
Is It Possible To Read The Qur'an Without Ablution

Reading the Qur'an is considered a sacred act in Islam. It cannot be performed in a state of contamination, and one must necessarily take a bath in front of it. But there are exceptions to this rule.

Is it possible to read the Qur'an without ablution
Is it possible to read the Qur'an without ablution

Is it possible to read the Qur'an without ablution

In the Islamic religion, ablution plays a very important role. Without it, it is impossible to perform any prayer. After all, one can appear before Allah only by being ritually purified. Ablution is complete (ghusl) and small (taharat). Both procedures are quite complex and involve performing certain actions in a strict sequence. With complete ablution, a person is completely naked and poured from head to toe. Small ablution includes washing hands to the elbows, feet to the ankles, as well as rinsing the mouth, wiping the head and face.

Reading the Quran among adherents of Islam is considered sacred. You can only touch this book when you are in a good mood and after going through some training. In most cases, a little ablution is sufficient before reading the Qur'an. Without carrying out this procedure, you cannot pick up a book. Religion forbids reading it in a state of anger or while thinking about something else.

You can read the Qur'an from memory without performing a small ablution. If a believer cannot remember a prayer and needs to pick up a book, you can do it with gloves. This is permissible in the Muslim religion. The only exceptions are situations in which a person is defiled. It is impossible to read the Quran even from memory without a little cleaning, if a very recent believer:

  • lost consciousness;
  • relieved the need;
  • slept;
  • touched the genitals.

The excretion of impurities from the body (blood, pus) is also a defilement.

When you need a complete bath before reading the Qur'an

In Islam, it is customary to perform a full ablution after:

  • intimacy;
  • menstruation and childbirth (for women);
  • acceptance of Islam.

If, after the indicated events, a person has not performed a complete ablution, he can neither touch the Koran, nor read it from memory. In such a situation, it is also forbidden to perform namaz or attend a mosque.

During menstruation, women are forbidden to read the Koran and touch it, since during this period it is considered not pure, and ablution can be performed only after the cessation of secretions.
