Nikita Moiseev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Nikita Moiseev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Nikita Moiseev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Nikita Moiseev is a Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of applied mathematics and general mechanics, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Founded and became the first dean of FUPM MIPT. He headed a number of scientific schools, wrote more than three hundred scientific articles, ten textbooks. He is the author of a number of scientific papers on the dynamics of a rigid body with a liquid, numerical methods of mathematical physics, and control optimization theory.

Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life

In Russian history, there have been many truly brilliant scientists, cultural workers, who gave their lives for the good of the country. They have become objects for the pride of contemporaries, they have brought up several generations of the most talented individuals. One of these figures was Nikita Moiseev.

The beginning of the way

He laid the foundations and became the head of a number of scientific schools. Moiseev wrote thirty-five monographs, many scientific works. The biography of a mathematician and physicist, his scientific work, ensured his stay on a par with the real legends of world science.

Nikita Nikolaevich was born in 1917 in Moscow. The boy was born into a family of famous metropolitan scientists on August 10 (23). My father taught at the university. Even while studying at school, the child was especially interested in mathematical disciplines. He even began attending a circle at one of the universities in the capital.

Nikita was actively involved in sports activities, becoming the country's champion in skiing. Already in his graduation class, Moiseev became the winner of the Mathematics Olympiad. After school, the future physicist decided to get an education at the Pedagogical University of the capital. While studying at Moscow State University, the student became interested in mountaineering.

Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The young man managed to work as an instructor. Moiseev also served in the ranks of the army, where he taught fighters the art of skiing in a war. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Nikita Nikolaevich had just completed his studies. He went to the active army. At first, the recruit was on a course in the development of air force engineering.

He began his service as an aviation technician. Then the young man was an engineer, in charge of the armament of the air regiment. Moiseev also performed the duties of a front-line air gunner. In 1948 the young scientist defended his dissertation. Moiseev began teaching at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The famous scientists Barmin and Korolev gave lectures at the university.

Scientific activity

Nikita Nikolaevich has successfully established his personal life. With his wife Kira Nikolaevna, he created a strong and friendly family. Two daughters Irina and Alena grew up in it. He successfully worked on new areas of science, created new areas and schools

Like-minded people were not just engaged in scientific research, they were morally connected, everyone was responsible for each other. Mathematicians, mechanics and physicists passed the baton on to their followers, preparing many progressive youth.

Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life

It was these people who participated in the creation of a new type of weaponry. A new generation of rocketry was created. The country came in second in the field of mechanics and engineering. In 1956, Moiseev began her career at the computer center of the Academy of Sciences. He calculated the trajectories of space objects, was engaged in the processes of dynamics in the biosphere, philosophy, political science.

Scientists have created his author's school. Nikita Nikolaevich realized that the situation was very difficult. Humanity found itself on the brink of a crisis, beyond understanding where to stop so as not to end up in nothingness. In the seventies, all scientific activity, including mathematics, was aimed at creating nuclear weapons, making military operations meaningless.

By the early seventies, it became clear to everyone that this particular type of battle would leave neither the defeated nor the victors. The final decision was made under the impression of the work of a group of scientists led by Moiseev. They developed the theory of nuclear winter. After its demonstration, there was an urgent need to change the course of development of the state.

The results of the research of Nikita Nikolaevich's student Vladimir Alexandrov were sensational. He developed a nuclear winter model. The nuclear physicist spoke about the spread of radioactive fallout, the cardinal change because of them, the planet. All models convincingly predicted a sudden change in temperature due to the explosion of a certain number of atomic charges.

Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Important results

With the onset of a nuclear winter, civilization will also end. These conclusions were confirmed by both the simplest and more complex experiments. The most important thing in the research carried out was that after the end of the nuclear winter, the former planetary atmosphere will not be restored. There simply won't be room for a man on Earth. Development was a private matter for the scientist.

The general idea was to raise the issue of scientific morality. Subsequently, the entire scientific world accepted this theory. Moiseev was convinced that only conscious compassion for the native land and people would help to cope with all the hardships and troubles. He believed in the responsibility of a scientist not only to science, but also to the entire planet. In the works of the academician, the thought was repeatedly expressed that the twentieth century is a time of warning, giving a chance to humanity.

Collective decisions, conscience and will are needed. He proved the unity of mankind and the planet. To save the Earth, the human mind must become a single whole. He has no right to immorality. All the conclusions of the scientist were based on his own tolerance and decency in relation to everything spiritual and living.

This was the motive for the nuclear physicist to reach unimaginable heights. The theory and mathematical model of the ecological consequences of a nuclear war, developed under the leadership of Moiseev, became widely known throughout the world. To a large extent, thanks to the activities of scientists, treaties were concluded to limit the nuclear arms race between the two strongest powers at that time.

Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Nikita Moiseev: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The famous scientist passed away on February 29, 2000.
