How To Get Registration

How To Get Registration
How To Get Registration

Without a residence permit, especially in a large metropolis, a person will not be able not only to find housing, but also to get a job, get a loan, get married (or get married) and many other seemingly elementary things.

How to get registration
How to get registration

Registration of a person or removal from registration is carried out in specialized institutions that deal with the registration of citizens. You can find out the address of this organization by looking at the receipt from housing and communal services, which is delivered to your home every month.

In order to understand the special importance of registration, you need to consider in which cases you will definitely need it:

1) when hiring, the employer has the right to demand from you a city registration. Especially if your job involves money or financial responsibility;

2) without registration, you will not be able to obtain identity documents, as well as buy or sell real estate;

3) lack of registration will not allow you to formalize or dissolve the marriage;

4) get a loan or mortgage and so on.

A person can remain without a registration for several reasons, but the main one is that, having discharged from the previous place of residence, you do not register in the new one. The reason for this may be, for example, the protracted choice of a new apartment or the registration of new documents for housing.

In order to obtain a residence permit, you should contact the appropriate authority (usually it is combined with the registry office) and submit an application. Here you have to get your registration done for free.

Do not forget that within 7 days, after deregistration, you need to apply for a residence permit for a new place of residence.

All family members are subject to compulsory registration, including children under 14 years old (their parents are engaged in registration of their registration).

Before writing an application for registration, you need to collect the following package of documents:

• passport or other legal identification document;

• document on registration form No. 1;

• a document that confirms and gives a good reason for a citizen to live at a certain address without a corresponding registration. Such a document can be a contract of employment, for example.

It should be noted that there are two types of registration - permanent and temporary. Permanent registration gives you more rights and opportunities. Although a temporary registration does not burden its owner in any way, it still has its own validity period. Note that living without registration entails administrative responsibility.
