Where Is The Bermuda Triangle

Where Is The Bermuda Triangle
Where Is The Bermuda Triangle

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has been instilling fear in the world community for more than half a century. The inexplicable disappearances of ships sailing in this anomalous zone and aircraft flying over Bermuda are attracting more and more scientists, media representatives and ordinary people. Currently, there are several versions explaining these mysterious disappearances, but none of them has yet been officially confirmed.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle
Where is the Bermuda Triangle

Geography of the Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda is located in the Atlantic Ocean, one thousand kilometers from the United States of America. To visualize the Bermuda Triangle, you need to mentally draw imaginary lines across the ocean from Miami to Puerto Rico and from Puerto Rico to Bermuda. Strictly speaking, the name of the last "vertex" of the triangle gave it such a name. The fact is that it is the northern peak of Bermuda that is considered the most anomalous.

If we talk about Bermuda as a geographical object, then they were formed by volcanic eruptions: through the formed faults, magma came to the surface. Millions of years passed, and dust and sand covered the magma. As a result, the islands turned into a state called Bermuda.

The state of Bermuda includes ten islands with a hilly landscape. There are many small bays and bays that have attracted tourists at all times. In addition, tourists are attracted by the unusually warm and even climate of Bermuda, which allows you to enjoy the delights of this resort place all year round. By the way, the Bermuda Triangle coincides to a large extent with the Sargasso Sea.

The infamous Bermuda Triangle

As mentioned above, the anomalous zone located in the Bermuda Triangle attracts the attention of researchers and scientists from all over the world. Currently, there is no officially confirmed explanation for the crashes of numerous ships and airliners in this anomalous zone. It was the unknown that gave rise to a variety of reasons explaining this phenomenon. Some of them have already become legends.

It is worth noting that more than a hundred facts of the disappearance of ships and aircraft are associated with the Bermuda Triangle, but many of these cases have already received their refutation. For example, some of them disappeared for rational and already studied reasons, the disappearance of others was generally recorded outside the anomalous zone, and often cases with the disappearance of vehicles and people turned out to be only a figment of journalistic imagination and fantasies in pursuit of another sensation.

It is curious that sunken ships and planes, as well as bizarre pink corals and mangroves located in the mystical zone, attract divers from all over the world to the waters of Bermuda. It is known that these islands and the entire Bermuda Triangle are washed by extremely clean and transparent water, which allows divers to view certain objects under water from a distance of 60 meters!
