The Most Famous Prophecy About Russia

The Most Famous Prophecy About Russia
The Most Famous Prophecy About Russia

Many well-known seers of all times and eras in their predictions secretly or openly pinned their hopes on Russia. The prophecies of Nostradamus, Vanga, monk Abel and Maria Duval are known and deciphered. In general terms, everyone agrees - the future of civilization belongs to this great country, its still unrevealed potential and spiritual history.

Predictions about Russia
Predictions about Russia

At any time, be it the wonderful world of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance or our days, people wanted by any means to get information about what awaits us in the near and distant future. Any predictions were interpreted in different ways, some covenants have not been deciphered even now. This is especially true of veiled lines, where all the names, names of states and significant events were hidden under different interpretations and complex verbal constructions.

Collecting bit by bit the warnings and advice of seers from various sources, scientists have revealed a clear coincidence. Almost every famous predictor of antiquity or modernity has a great country, Russia, in the books or records. Of course, it will take a long time to understand the complex commandments of monks, great scientists and elders, and this is not a simple matter, but the fact remains. It is Russia that all predictors see as the dominant country in the world.

The main predictions of the prophets

There are many prophets whose predictions about Russia converge, even if not to the smallest detail, but still have common reference points for dates, events, rulers. And on the basis of their predictions, a lot of news has already been released on TV, a large number of feature films, documentaries, and announcements have been shot. Many people watch such stories hoping to find out how our country will develop, in what conditions children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will live.

Here are the most popular predictions about the prosperous future of the Russian Federation.

  • Seraphim of Sarov wrote in ancient times. "The Lord will not allow the great Russian land to collapse to the end." "Our faith is Orthodox … Russia will always, in all ages, be glorious, frightening in spite of the enemies." "The All-Russian kingdom is formidable and great, before it all other peoples will be in awe."
  • Monk Abel noted in his writings. "All Russian hopes will come true, the Orthodox cross will shine again. Holy Russia will flourish, like a heavenly crin."
  • Ignatius Brianchaninov, the saint, gave such a prophecy: "The Holy Fathers predict extraordinary development and power for Russia."
  • The dreamer Wang noted. “Russia is the progenitor of all our Slavic states, those who then separated will come back again, the Soviet Union will be restored, but in a new composition. Russia will grow stronger and grow, then it will completely sweep away everything in its path in order to become the "mistress of the world."

Conclusions and summaries

Summarizing all the famous prophecies, we can conclude that Russia will not become a forgotten and ruined country, it will be able to prove its power over other republics and continents, and will declare itself in the near future. And perhaps all residents can still be proud of the great country called in ancient times Mother Russia.
