What Is Geocaching?

What Is Geocaching?
What Is Geocaching?

City games are not a new event, but very interesting and exciting. Today there are many ways to entertain yourself and your friends. One of these is geocaching.


Geocaching is a great alternative to computer games in the quest genre. In this event, all tasks will have to be completed for real. And the ultimate goal and reward will be the found treasure. In this case, you can act as the main character or organizer both independently and with a support group.

Treasures are created and searched for voluntarily. As a rule, geocaching is organized in places of historical and cultural value. For example, in palace parks, around destroyed / active monasteries, in museums, etc.

The principle of the game is as follows. Someone creates a treasure / cache, writes a description of the area and comes up with various tasks. The search can be as full of adventure, communication with other characters and multi-level complexities, or be simple and straightforward. It all depends on the "creator", his imagination and capabilities.

Caches are of two types. The first is called "traditional". It is a container / box with various trinkets: CDs, jewelry, figurines, beautiful pens, etc. When a geocache is found, a geocacher (search engine) takes from there any little thing he likes. However, in return, you need to invest something of your own. Also, be sure to check in a special notepad, writing your name and the barter.

The second type of caches is step by step. The essence of those lies in the gradual approach to the main "prize". To get it, you need to complete tasks of varying difficulty, getting new leads and intermediate souvenirs. Geocaching with such caches is an amazing and unforgettable experience, perfect for spending time with a company.