How Is The Seance Going

How Is The Seance Going
How Is The Seance Going

Spiritualism sessions are held to challenge and communicate with the other world. During the session, it is important that all participants take it seriously. The formation of a magic chain occurs when all people at the ceremony join hands. Spiritualism is popular among young people interested in mysticism.

How is the seance going
How is the seance going

There are several rules for conducting a session. It is better to practice spiritualism after midnight, but before four in the morning. Before the morning comes, the activation of spiritual entities takes place. Open a window or door in the room so that the ghost can easily enter the house. Turn off the lights in the room, put on a couple of candles. All people forming a magic chain must remove metal objects from themselves.

The session should last no more than one hour. You can call up to three entities. There are some rules for the participants. Before the session, it is necessary to be clean both in body and soul, not to overeat or drink alcohol.

Session with scissors

This is the most ancient rite of communication with otherworldly entities, in which two people take part. For the session, you will need a book, scissors and a red ribbon. The scissors should be placed between the pages, and the rings stick out. Then you need to tie the book with a ribbon. Participants grab the rings with their little fingers and begin the session. After a while, the book will begin to move, indicating presence of mind. You can start asking the entity questions. Moving the book to the right means a positive answer, and to the left means a negative answer.

Session with a saucer

It is more difficult to prepare for such a ceremony, because a magic circle is required. You can make it yourself from Whatman paper by cutting out a circle. On the outer perimeter of the circle, you need to draw the letters of the alphabet, and inside the numbers from 0 to 9. Draw a straight line in the center. On either side of it, you should write "yes" and "no". You will also need a flat porcelain saucer for the session.

The participants in the ceremony light candles, put a magic circle on the table, and heat the saucer over the candle. Then you should move the saucer to the center of the circle. All participants need to put their fingertips on a saucer and say in chorus: "Spirit such and such, come!" After a while, the saucer will move, indicating the presence of the entity. First you need to ask easy questions, and then move on to difficult ones.

In dealing with otherworldly forces, tact must be observed. Do not ask about the cause of death or the current whereabouts. If the spirit is offended by the questions of the participants in the session, you should apologize. At the end of the communication, you need to thank the entity, turn the saucer over and hit it three times on the table. It is always necessary to start a session with pure thoughts, so as not to evoke evil spirits. Good entities will tell you about the past, present and future.