Children Of Arkady Kobyakov: Photo

Children Of Arkady Kobyakov: Photo
Children Of Arkady Kobyakov: Photo

In September 2015, the chanson singer Arkady Kobyakov, a talented author and performer of his own songs, passed away. His many fans are still grieving at this loss. How the fate of Kobyakov's wife and child developed - this question also remains relevant for those who followed the work of the untimely departed chanson star.

Children of Arkady Kobyakov: photo
Children of Arkady Kobyakov: photo


Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was born on June 2, 1976 in Nizhny Novgorod, in a family of ordinary workers. Father, Oleg Glebovich, was a senior mechanic at a motor depot, mother, Tatyana Yurievna, worked at a factory where children's toys were made. Arkady had no brothers and sisters. His grandmother took an active part in the upbringing, who, in fact, instilled in him a musical taste.

The school in which Arkady studied was ordinary, the same as other educational institutions in Nizhny Novgorod. As for the boy's abilities, they were very non-standard, adults noticed his talent even when Arkady went to kindergarten. Arkasha's teacher strongly recommended Oleg and Tatiana, the boy's parents, to send him to a school with a musical direction. My grandmother also considered this idea logical, so, at the age of six, Arkasha entered the Nizhny Novgorod Choir Capella, piano class. The boy showed his best side, he was actually very talented.

Kobyakov's sociability was off scale, but at the same time, unfortunately, his interest in the street and forbidden hobbies grew. Arkady was unrestrained and hooligan, so one of his misdeeds led to his first prison term.

Kobyakov had to get used to the new living conditions, within the walls of the Ardatov educational labor colony for minors, where he spent no more, no less, but three and a half years.

The troubles did not end at this event, shortly before the matured Arkady was released from the colony, in the winter of 1993, by coincidence of ridiculous circumstances, his parents tragically died.



Arkady Kobyakov began composing songs while he was in prison. The song performed by the musician called "Hello, Mom" touched the listeners to the very heart. So, behind bars, Arkady found the first fans of his work. The piercing notes that sounded in the song accurately conveyed the emotional anguish of the young man. The musician's own sad experience formed the basis of most of his songs.

When Kobyakov's prison term came to an end, he decided not to give up music, but to continue his professional education. On the first attempt, he managed to enter the Academic State Philharmonic named after I. M. Rostropovich, but, unfortunately, Arkady never graduated from this educational institution. Echoes of the dark past made themselves felt from time to time, and the parents were no longer alive. There was no one to direct the man in the right direction, and in 1994 he again finds himself behind bars. Kobyakov goes to prison under the article of robbery, he will be released from there in six and a half years.


Career as a musician

Arkady did not learn a lesson from his imprisonment, a few years after his release, in 2002, he was arrested under the article of fraud for four years. He writes songs, his musical piggy bank is replenished. After being at large for one year, in 2008 Kobyakov was again sent to places not so distant, this time for five years. It is not difficult to calculate that Arkady spent most of his conscious life behind bars, therefore, he was also engaged in creativity there.

When Kobyakov was serving his third term, he took up music closely, it was during this period that the largest number of musical compositions appeared. In the Yuzhny camp, Arkady is recording seven video clips. His songs fell in love not only with cellmates and warders, the whole country, or rather, those who are fond of chanson, learned about the artist. In 2006, as soon as Arkady is released, he becomes a welcome guest at parties, crime bosses are happy to see the artist at dubious events.

In 2011, Arkady again goes to prison, but continues to engage in creativity. At the same time, the first official release of the singer was released, the album was called "The Prisoner Soul". He later released several more albums. The number of fans is growing, the name of Kobyakov is on everyone's lips. A romantic who knows firsthand about the hardships of prison life - at one point he became a hero of our time among those who are at least to some extent at odds with the law.

In 2013, at the end of his last prison term, Arkady literally storms the cities of Russia with solo concerts.

Arkady passed away on September 19, 2015, within the walls of his own apartment, unexpectedly, suddenly. Cause of death: internal bleeding, which opened from a stomach ulcer. The disease developed rapidly, but without obvious signs. At the time of his death, the man was 39 years old. The farewell ceremony with the chansonnier took place in the city of Podolsk, and Arkady was buried in Nizhny Novgorod.

Children of Arkady Kobyakov: photo

Arkady Kobyakov met his future wife Irina Tukhbaeva in 2006, during a break between his imprisonment, during one of the corporate parties at which he performed with a concert. In 2008, Irina gave her husband a son, he was named Arseny.


The photographs show with the naked eye how Kobyakov treated his family, with what tenderness and love he looked at his son.


In the work of Kobyakov, many songs are dedicated to his wife, Irina. Love and sincere feelings are felt in them. The artist did not cheat when he spoke of love for his wife and son. According to the friends of the performer, with all his heart he wanted to quit the underworld and hoped that in the future he could become a positive example for his son. Unfortunately, fate decreed otherwise, Arseny will have to grow up without paternal care and attention, and only the creativity left after the death of the famous pope will brighten up the sadness, sadness and bitterness of loss.
