Adriano Celentano is a favorite of several generations of moviegoers, showman, singer, handsome man and exemplary family man, father of three beautiful, successful children. The fact that he is absolutely happy on a personal level, Adriano says in every interview. What is the secret of his happiness and where to find photos of Adriano Celentano's children?

Adriano Celentano is a monogamous person and is very proud of it. Proud of his beautiful wife Claudia Mori, daughters Rosita, Rosalind and son Giacomo. Despite the fact that fans constantly interfered in the life of the family, Adriano and Claudia managed to save the marriage, cope with speculation and rumors spread by journalists, and raise worthy children.
Adriano Celentano's family - photo
The first meeting with her future husband literally scared Claudia - Adriano came to audition for the film "What a Strange Type" in dirty clothes and torn slippers. But just a few days later, her opinion changed dramatically, the girl left her fiancé (a famous football player at that time), and a little over a year later, she and Adriano got married.
The couple have three children - daughters Rosalind and Rosita, son Giacomo. Claudia admits that life with an actor cannot be called a fairy tale, but she does not feel unhappy either. Celentano-actor and Celentano-husband are completely different people.

All that darkened the family life of the Celentano couple was the harassment of fans of the head of the family. But Adriano was never convicted of treason, although journalists tried to ascribe novels to him with partners on the set.
Adriano himself is sure that his strong marriage is the merit of Claudia. In an interview, he never gets tired of thanking his wife for a cozy home, reliable rear and wonderful children. By the way, the children of Celentano "got" from the journalists - one of the actor's daughters was accused of being gay, and the son of an addiction to alcohol or drugs.
Daughter of Adriano Celentano Rosita
The eldest daughter of Adriano Celentano Rosita was born in February 1965. The girl's parents at that time were still very young, ambitious and completely unprepared for fatherhood and motherhood. Nevertheless, they found the strength and wisdom to provide Rosita with dignified care, gave her everything she needed, found time for games, walks. Gradually, the career for Adriano and Claudia faded into the background, the daughter became the main thing in life.

Rosita followed in her father's footsteps - she began acting in films, and at a rather young age. Then she tried herself as a singer, and again successfully.
Rosita Celentano also had a modeling business, experience of telecasting on Italian television. She became truly successful in the role of a TV presenter.
Rosita has an excellent relationship with her father, as well as with her mother. Interestingly, at the beginning of her career, the girl did not give her real surname, so as not to use the name of her parents for her promotion. And she managed to prove that she is talented, self-sufficient, successful.
Daughter of Adriano Celentano Rosalinda
Rosalind Celentano, Adriano's youngest daughter, is an artist, actress, vocalist, dancer and rebel. Even her appearance is a protest to the established canons.
The girl was born in July 1968. Now she recalls that her mother was engaged in raising her and her older sister, her father was always busy on the set, but there is no resentment towards him. On rare weekends, Adriano devoted maximum time to his children, although he was somewhat authoritarian and harsh.

Rosalind's rebellious character clearly manifested itself when she turned 18 - the girl left home, lived for six months with the homeless, then a civil marriage with an aspiring artist.
In 1988, Rosalind consciously entered the acting world, began acting, she was considered a promising actress. The acting brought the girl several awards, recognition in certain circles, but rebellion took over again - Rosalind Celentano decided to sing.
And if everything is in relative order with the career of the youngest daughter of Adriano Celentano, then with her personal life - no. She then meets the "love of her life", then leaves, then comes back again. Once the girl shared with reporters that she was attracted to both men and women. The "duck" scattered across the media, and even denials from Rosalind herself did not stop rumors about her unconventional orientation.
Son of Adriano Celentano Giacomo
Giacomo Celentano was born in 1966, a year after Rosita was born. The boy graduated from high school, completed his military service in the Italian army, then entered the institute, on the course of designers, but never finished it.
Music has become a real passion for the son of Adrriano Celentano Giacomo. At 23, he recorded his first solo album, which was first approved by his mother. The guy was afraid to talk about music to his father, since Adriano was against the children developing professionally in the art world.

At music festivals and concerts, Giacomo performed under the pseudonym Gabriel. Career cut short due to illness. Respiratory problems forced the guy to abandon the scene.
In 1996, Giacomo met his love, got married, and began to sing again. It was his wife who returned his faith in himself, helped him overcome depression after a long illness.