A Country In Which Slavery Flourishes

A Country In Which Slavery Flourishes
A Country In Which Slavery Flourishes

Officially, slavery has long been abolished all over the world. But there is a country where slavery is actively flourishing - this is the country of Mauritania.

A country in which slavery flourishes
A country in which slavery flourishes

This country was taken over by the Arabs about 1000 years ago. After that, the inhabitants of Africa remained under the rule of the invaders. Each family has several slaves. Slaves do a variety of jobs: they look after livestock, build houses, grow crops. One slave costs about $ 15 a month. Therefore, enterprising owners have a good income from the maintenance of slaves.

In the city, slaves most often get water. Only 40% of buildings have access to running water, so fires are frequent and there is also a shortage of drinking water. Slaves with bottles can be seen from sunrise until late at night. Such a business brings in about $ 15 a day, which is a lot of money for these places.

Slaves are inherited from one family to another. And if the children of slaves are born in the family of the owner, then they automatically become his property. Slaves can be disposed of at their own discretion: they can be given, sold, given as a dowry at a wedding. The more a man has slave-concubines, the more wealthy and influential he is considered.

The population of Mauritania is almost 20% slaves. Although slavery is officially prohibited, in fact, having a slave is the norm. In fact, the police receive reports of complicity in slavery, the media is prohibited from using the word slave. But essentially nothing changes. In the history of the country, only one case is known when a slave owner was held liable.

The point is that slaves don't really fight much for their freedom. For generations, slaves have worked for the same master. They believe that after they obediently follow all the instructions, after death the soul goes to heaven. Slaves who have received freedom simply have nowhere to go - there is no work in Mauritania, and it is pointless to get a job with another owner, since he himself has enough slaves, no one wants to change the “awl for soap”. The poverty rate is 40%, the unemployment rate is 30%. Freedom in Mauritania can be compared to death from hunger.
