What Is Farce

What Is Farce
What Is Farce

Often, when watching a theatrical or television comedy, viewers are surprised at the confusion and absurdity of its plot. However, it has its own name - farce. This setting has a number of features and remains popular at the present time.

What is farce
What is farce

Farce is a theatrical comedy that aims to entertain the audience through unexpected, extravagant and incredible situations, disguise and misidentification, verbal humor of varying degrees of difficulty, and a fast-paced plot. His speed gradually increases, culminating in the finale, which often includes a chase scene. Farces often have an extremely incomprehensible storyline. This genre is also used in cinema.

Many farces move to a climax at a frantic pace, in which the original problem is solved in one way or another, often unexpected way. Usually the action has a happy ending. The convention of justice is not always respected: the protagonist can get away with what he or she is trying to hide at any cost, even if it is a criminal act. Examples of farce are "The Inspector General" N. V. Gogol and “The Master and Margarita” by M. Yu. Bulgakov.

Farce as a whole seeks to show a strange, irrational, corrupt, infantile and neurotic person. The main element of the farce is the carefree and relaxed image of urban life with its rudeness, obscenity, fun and scandalous incidents.

A feature of the French farce, for example, was often the theme of a marital scandal, infidelity, etc. That is why satire is a natural companion of farce. Farce is a rather complex theatrical production, which is sometimes combined with other forms of it, including romantic comedy. Funny, far-fetched situations, quick and witty remarks, as well as unusual humor make it possible to widely use farce in television comedy films (for example, "Masks Show", "Town").

Farce in modern Russian is also often called the imitation of a process, for example, a judicial one.