What Makes Music Related To Fine Arts

What Makes Music Related To Fine Arts
What Makes Music Related To Fine Arts

Any kind of art depicts a special reality created by man. Everything that is created is a way to express your perception of the surrounding world. Music and visual arts equally reflect the creative component of a person.

Music, like fine art, is part of culture
Music, like fine art, is part of culture

Music as an art form

Music, like other types of art, is created by man as a way of expressing his individuality, perception of the world, harmony with man and nature. Or, on the contrary, it is an expression of disagreement, contradictions. Music expresses different moods and elements. A certain rhythm and harmony are the basis of the artistic image in music. Musical works created in different eras in different countries were at one time a prerequisite for the development of dance and singing.

Artistic images in music are created through sounds. Music always appeals to the feelings of a person, because music itself expresses feelings, like the language of the human soul. Music differs not only in styles and directions, but also in countries and ethnic groups. It can depict different scenes from life, situations.

The connection between music and visual arts

Music and visual arts are closely related. A talented composer or musician, like an artist, represents in his works a certain associative symbolic series that reflects his energy. Like painting, music has its own flavor. Fine art, like music, expresses the feelings, emotions, moods of its creator. Even the musicians themselves, their art and musical works have become the theme for the works of many artists around the world.

In classical academic painting, there are certain rules: the main object of the painting is in the foreground, then secondary objects follow and the background is drawn. Also in music, - the sound of melodies begins with a certain measure, time signature, several main notes, then the sound becomes more spacious, the orchestra begins to play. We observe the same phenomenon in solo singing to the accompaniment: the soloist's voice is complemented by choral singing or instrumental accompaniment.

Another important characteristic brings music and visual arts closer together. This is a contrast. Indeed, in painting, color, scale are always compared, and in modern fine art - forms. In music, it is a juxtaposition of tempos, high and low notes, loud and quiet sound.

Melodies, like painters' colors, are cold and warm, light and gloomy. And such characteristics of fine art as scale, tone, shade, nuance are used today by critics to interpret musical works.
