On December 1, 2011, Pyotr Bruslov's film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive . The evaluations of the film by experts and ordinary viewers differ. How was the film evaluated in society?

If we evaluate the film by its payback, then we can assume that the picture was successful. About $ 12 million was spent on filming and about $ 21 million was raised in the first 2 weeks of distribution. However, the assessment of the picture in monetary terms is not the most objective. In the end, you could buy a ticket for a movie that you didn't like in the end. And the financial success of the film can be explained by the successful advertising and intrigue around the actor who starred in the role of Vysotsky. By the way, with regard to this very intrigue. It can also be attributed to the factor that determines the interest in the film. On social networks, there was an active discussion about who played the main role. One of the most serious alleged contenders is Sergei Bezrukov, but there was no official confirmation from the film crew and probably will not be in the near future. Most of the well-known people evaluated the picture extremely critically. Dmitry Puchkov ("Goblin") and Evgeny Grishkovets urged people not to watch the film, so as not to endure disappointment. Film critic Maxim Eydis saw a political background in the film, and film critic Yuri Bogomolov thought that the film crew, taking into account technical innovations and talented actors, could make the film much better. As for the film's assessments in various publications, they are ambiguous here too. Gazeta. Ru, Ogonyok and Kommersant Weekend negatively assess the film about Vysotsky. Kinokadr, Afisha and Film.ru give neutral ratings. But the publication "Time Out Moscow" gave the film the maximum scores. The ratings of ordinary viewers on the most popular cinematic resources are 7, 3 (out of 10) on IMDb and 7, 749 (out of 10) on Kinopoisk. that the film is evaluated ambiguously. The picture received a flurry of criticism from experts, but for the most part ordinary viewers accepted Vysotsky. Since January 19, 2012 the film will be released on DVD and you can personally appreciate the film.