Is Legalization Of Same-sex Marriage Possible In Russia?

Is Legalization Of Same-sex Marriage Possible In Russia?
Is Legalization Of Same-sex Marriage Possible In Russia?

One after another, Western countries are passing laws to allow same-sex marriage. Russia is a country of conservative values. However, here too, human rights are the main value. And according to the constitution, power belongs to the people.

Same-sex relationships in a computer game
Same-sex relationships in a computer game

The role of the family

In Russia, the traditional family is considered the basis of the country's life. A traditional family helps to preserve the continuity of generations, cultural values, and improves the country's demography. It is in the traditional family that the majority of Russian citizens are brought up.

At the same time, non-traditional families also have a place to be. Such families were before, there are now, and will be later. But the fact is that these families also want to be considered a real family. And they are right. After all, a family is a real microcosm, where all members must live in harmony with each other.

Peace and harmony in a family depends on mutual understanding and trust between its members. And mutual understanding and trust is possible in both traditional and non-traditional families.

The family is the unit of society. As the family is, so is the country. But not literally, but at the energy level. Every person, every living being is energy. Family is also energy. Positive or negative. If the family is happy, so is the country, and vice versa.

There is an opinion that same-sex parents will raise children like themselves. But this is not confirmed by real experience. Sexual orientation and gender self-determination of a person depend on innate biological data, and not on upbringing.


The legalization of same-sex marriage in Russia is theoretically possible. But only on condition that the non-traditional families themselves, not in words, but in deeds, prove that they have the right to be called a real family. They will prove that full-fledged citizens also grow up in such families.

It is also important that people begin to understand that normalcy does not stem from sexual orientation or gender identity. And that members of the sexual minority also have the right to be considered normal people. To do this, representatives of sexual minorities themselves need to stop complaining and clearly show that they can be kind, merciful, creative, and can do something worthwhile for their country. After all, it is these human qualities that are highly valued not only in Russia, but also in the world.

The happiness of every family is an enduring value. The well-being of society as a whole and the level of quality of life of individual citizens largely depend on this. Legalizing gay marriage would give non-traditional families a chance to be truly happy. And then the number of happy full-fledged families would increase. And this, in turn, would have a positive effect on the country as a whole.