Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudaev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudaev: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudaev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Political disputes often turn into hostilities. The reasons for the debate are different. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the entire people enthusiastically spoke about freedom, independence, and human rights. And each individual citizen represented freedom and rights in his own way. In heated debates, the truth was not born, but the war broke out. Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudaev, a military general, by the will of fate found himself in the center of tragic events.

Dzhokhar Dudaev
Dzhokhar Dudaev

Childhood and youth

The history of the Russian state dispassionately records all the phenomena and processes taking place in the territory under its jurisdiction. Regardless of the time and place, specific persons took part in each action. The biography of Dzhokhar Musayevich Dudaev is closely connected with the events that took place in the second half of the twentieth century. The future general was born on February 15, 1944 in a large family. The child of the parents was the thirteenth in succession. It was during this period that the population was deported from the regions of the North Caucasus to Kazakhstan.

Dzhokhar's father died far from his native village. The boy went to school. He studied diligently, did not miss classes. His brothers and sisters had no desire for knowledge. He watched with his own eyes how his relatives and friends live, what they dream of and what goals they set for themselves in life. In the mid-50s, the Dudayev family was given the opportunity to return to their homeland. Here the young man graduated from school and decided to get a military education. In 1962, Dzhokhar Dudayev was enrolled as a cadet in the famous Tambov Higher Military Pilot School.

After graduating from college, Dudaev was sent to the troops, where he gradually moved up the career ladder. Dzhokhar Musaevich's career developed progressively, without disruptions and conflicts. The officer gave his work time, energy and knowledge. I had to serve in different regions of the great country - from Siberia to the Baltic states. In all positions, Dudaev demonstrated calmness, endurance and concern for the personnel. Colonel Dudayev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for participation in the Afghan campaign.

Political activity

By the beginning of the 90s, Dudayev was promoted to general and commanded a division of heavy bombers. After the infamous August 1991 putsch, it became clear that the USSR would be destroyed. From this moment, the processes of confusion and vacillation begin. In Chechnya, an actual change of power is taking place. General Dudayev was invited to the post of head of the republic. At that time, the traitors in the leadership of the Soviet Union were already thinking only about their own benefit.

Dudayev, a sincere and direct person, could not leave his people without support and guidance. The head of the Russian Federation abused alcohol and met with the heads of European countries and the United States. It did not occur to him to invite the military general and patriot Dudayev to the Kremlin for a conversation. All processes in the country were left to chance. And when the war broke out in the Caucasus, there was no way back for the head of Chechnya. As a result of a long and bloody confrontation, he died.

There is every reason to assert that Dzhokhar Dudayev was happy in his personal life. He met his wife as a "green" lieutenant. Husband and wife together endured the hardships of garrison life and frequent travel. Love and mutual respect have always reigned in the house. The family has three children - two sons and a daughter.