How Do Life-sentenced Prisoners Live?

How Do Life-sentenced Prisoners Live?
How Do Life-sentenced Prisoners Live?

Convicts for life live in cells for two people, they have the opportunity to read, sometimes watch TV. In colonies you can get an education, get a job, but under a particularly strict regime, this is almost impossible.

How do life-sentenced prisoners live?
How do life-sentenced prisoners live?

After the abolition of the death penalty in Russia, people who have committed especially grave crimes receive life sentences. In such prisons, a particularly tough internal order is established, and guards are also working in an enhanced regime.

There are seven places in our country where such prisoners live. In the colonies, the cells are periodically repaired, hospital buildings are functioning, and the opportunity for earning money is provided.

Inner order rules

They are common to most colonies, if there are differences, they are insignificant. The rules include:

  • movement around the prison with an escort of the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  • living in cells for two people, but especially dangerous prisoners are placed in solitary confinement;
  • everything that happens on the territory is recorded using video cameras;
  • walks are carried out in special concrete rooms.

To move around the territory, criminals stretch their hands behind their backs, they are handcuffed. In some cases, an eye mask is used to block light.

Convicted persons are obliged to comply with the requirements of the law, observe the norms of conduct and sanitary rules, treat the staff and other convicts with courtesy, and appear at the first call of the administration of the colony or the bodies executing punishment.

How is one day in jail?

Waking up starts at six o'clock in the morning. After the morning procedures, it is time for breakfast. The trough opens, through which the food is transferred. It may differ among prisoners depending on medical indications. In the morning porridge is given, for lunch - soup, second and compote, for dinner - porridge, juice, potatoes, fish. Food is taken at a small table.

If the prisoner was allowed to get a TV from loved ones, there is an opportunity to watch it a little or read books. The latter are regularly delivered to the cells. It's time for lunch and a walk. Before the last one, there is a check. Every "lifer" must breathe fresh air for at least an hour. This is an opportunity to smoke.

Hours for community service are usually set aside before lunch or after. At the same time, there is an opportunity to learn a profession.

Towards the evening, the period of water procedures begins. When a person is alone in the shower room, the handcuffs are removed through a special window. Here you can immediately have a haircut. The hang-up occurs at 22.00.

Are dating allowed?

In the first ten years, it is allowed to receive one parcel and visit two short-term information with relatives per year. The latter take place for several hours while being guarded through the glass and the receiver of the telephone. If during this time social ties are not completely cut off, two three-day and two parcels per year are added to the two dates. After another 10 years, three short-term, three long-term meetings and four parcels a year.

In the first 10 years, convicts are held for life in colonies of a special regime on special conditions. It is possible to go to a colony where a milder regime after this period is possible, but it is necessary not to receive penalties from the administration during this time.

In practice, it is very difficult to do this, since the punishment may follow for a cell not removed in time or for another offense. In addition, by the end of the first decade, there is a loss of connection with the world "outside the zone". Wives manage to create new families, children forget, parents grow old or die.

Long visits are held in the colony in a hotel-type building at the expense of the convict's relatives. You can bring food and drinks with you. Glass containers are prohibited. There is no way to go beyond the allotted area. Long-term meetings are allowed only to family people or to the superintendent of the detachment. They will not be denied:

  • parents;
  • sisters and brothers;
  • children.

Labour Organization

Sewing has always been one of the priority activities in prisons. Almost all uniforms of employees and guards are sewn by prisoners. Responsibilities are shared. Some sew furs, others make blanks, the rest sew, "bring to mind."

Most of the prisoners enjoy the job. This is an opportunity to get distracted from problems, change the type of activity. Life prisoners in Russia are paid a salary for such activities. There is an opportunity to get a specialty.

In addition to clothing, work in the production of footwear is also organized in prisons. This goes through a conveyor system - in one day, a work shift of 10 people can sew 10 pairs of shoes. Prisoners take on any job, as for many it is an opportunity to earn parole.

Some colonies have established production of:

  • bedding;
  • wooden kitchen utensils;
  • furniture;
  • cinder blocks;
  • building materials.

There is work in garages, vegetable gardens or at a sawmill. The conditions and directions of activity depend on the policy of the prison where the prisoners are held.

Some of the manufactured products remain in prison, while others go to regular stores. Due to the cheap labor, the production cost is low. For the same reason, it can be bought in stores at quite affordable prices.

Communication and entertainment

Contacts between convicts from different cells are completely excluded. With a particularly strict regime, mass events, for example, sports, are not held either. In some colonies televisions are not allowed. In this case, the prisoners have the opportunity to read and write. Volumes of Russian classics are especially popular. Prisoners often read Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov.

Medical service

After arriving at the correctional institution, they are placed in a quarantine room, where health monitoring takes place for up to 15 days.

Features of honey. service:

  1. Many prisoners are registered with a psychiatrist. The main reasons are disorders and psychopathies.
  2. Criminals undergo preventive examinations and tests several times a year.
  3. There is an opportunity to undergo prosthetics or to have your teeth treated at the dentist.
  4. In the presence of surgical complications, doctors from city clinics are called. Surgical treatment is carried out if necessary.

Today in prisons they are trying to maintain normal sanitary conditions and provide timely medical assistance. Thanks to this, mortality has been significantly reduced. If the convicted person dies, a notification is sent to the relatives. If no one takes the body within three days, it is buried in the city cemetery. His relatives still have the opportunity to reburial him.