Elena Tkach: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Elena Tkach: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Elena Tkach: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Elena Tkach is the wife of a Ukrainian maniac. At the age of 27, she married a 64-year-old serial killer, gave birth to a daughter.

Elena Tkach
Elena Tkach

Elena Tkach deliberately married a Ukrainian maniac. First, the girl wrote letters to him, then went on a date and married him.



Elena was born in 1990. When the girl was 8 years old, her family moved to the city of Rybinsk. Here she graduated from school, then went to the lyceum, after graduating from which she received a secondary specialized education. Then Elena entered the university in Yaroslavl. She finished 2 courses and moved to Moscow, moving here to the same specialized university, in which she received higher education. A little later, the girl entered another institute, but she attended no more than 3 courses. This means that she has a second incomplete higher education.

Giving interviews to journalists, the girl does not tell which institute she studied at, as she is afraid that they will find her classmates and ask them many questions.

Elena says that she has a law degree. At one time, she worked for a Moscow consulting company for 8 years.

First marriage

Elena does not like to remember her first husband. She says that he was a doctor and is also older than her. The husband, according to Elena, was an unpleasant type and still causes only negative feelings in her.

Second marriage


As Elena herself says, the first time she saw her second chosen one was when she was 16 years old. Then the girl watched a program in which a serial killer, being on an investigative experiment, talked about the crimes he had committed.

For 25 years, Sergei Tkach raped and killed girls 9-17 years old on the territory of Ukraine. He tracked them down near freeways, near railway tracks, in forested areas.

The future young wife knew all this about him. Once she wrote a letter to Sergei Tkach, then the following followed. The correspondence lasted 5 months. It began in April 2015, and already on December 9 of the same year, Elena and a life-sentenced prisoner signed.

First date


This already famous wife of a maniac says that the first time she saw Sergei Tkach in person on a date through the glass in early October 2015. Lena told reporters that that meeting convinced the girl that she wants to live with this man. He proposed to her. Elena took her husband's surname immediately after the wedding.

As the girl herself tells reporters, this Pologov maniac is with her modest, kind, sweet, courteous. She says that he never argues with her, fulfills all her whims and is still shy.

Elena gave birth to a daughter from him. As the woman herself says, he really wanted a child. Lena also says that her husband repents, calls himself a murderer and a monster.


At first, her parents approved of her daughter's choice, but after the birth of her granddaughter, the grandparents took the child. Now they want to deprive their daughter of parental rights for obvious reasons.