For Orthodox people, there are certain parental memorial days, on which it is customary to go to the cemetery to visit their relatives and friends. In the Christian tradition, they are called in a different way the ecumenical parental Saturdays. But sometimes people confuse them with great church holidays.

The Russian people have a respectful attitude towards the dead and their graves. The religious duty of love for the deceased for every living person is not only the farewell to the last journey, but also the maintenance of the burials in a proper condition. It is customary to go to the cemetery on certain parental days. However, there is a tradition of visiting graves on the day of the Holy Trinity.
An Orthodox person cannot be in the cemetery on the day of the Holy Trinity. This decision of the Church is based on the fact that on the feast of Pentecost (the day of the Holy Trinity) all believers should be in the church and participate in the celebration of the divine service. On the day of the Holy Trinity, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles is remembered. This event is otherwise called the birthday of the Church. This is the time for the living, so there is no place for sorrow and sorrow. It is on Trinity that an Orthodox person turns to God with prayers in church, asks for divine grace to strengthen his mental and physical strength.
Some people confuse the Trinity parental Saturday and the day of the Holy Trinity. These are completely different days. In the Christian tradition, the visit to the cemetery should be carried out precisely on the memorial Saturday before Pentecost. This is the time to commemorate the dead and clean up their graves.
Everyone who considers himself a Christian should know that you cannot go to the Trinity cemetery. It is imperative to visit your deceased relatives and friends the day before - on Trinity parental Saturday.