Why Christians Should Not Read The Books "Revelations Of Guardian Angels"

Why Christians Should Not Read The Books "Revelations Of Guardian Angels"
Why Christians Should Not Read The Books "Revelations Of Guardian Angels"

Modern book publications produce a huge amount of various literature, which is freely available to everyone. There are books that under the guise of "Christian" can have a negative impact on a person's thinking and outlook. One of these is the well-known series of books on the revelations of guardian angels.

Why Christians should not read the books "Revelations of Guardian Angels"
Why Christians should not read the books "Revelations of Guardian Angels"

The Russian nation is one of the most readable in the world, therefore, the interest in literature is very high to this day. In search of interesting publications, you can stumble upon the book “Revelations of Guardian Anegles. Beginning or other literature of a somewhat different name. Various books are published under the general heading about guardian angels. These things are sold freely in bookstores and stalls. And some even advise such publications to be a must-read for a Christian. In fact, an Orthodox cannot read them, unless he has a certain base of knowledge about Christianity and has no desire to have fun.

The "revelations of guardian angels" are falsely attributed to Christian literature. From the content it is clear that this book is, rather, pagan, although such a definition cannot be given with accuracy, because the basic postulates of faith are set out mixed with all conceivable and inconceivable mystical philosophical teachings.

Thus, the book "Beginning" reflects views on the creation and existence of the world, which are not acceptable to Christianity. Belief in Atlanteans and aliens, who mated with each other to continue a new kind of creatures, creating a new world, cannot be acceptable to the Orthodox consciousness. The views on the fall of people and their expulsion from paradise are shown in the light of a mystical view of the world. The whole essence of the content about the existence of the world is permeated with the spirit of Roerich, and this has nothing to do with Christianity.

The angels themselves in the book have nothing to do with the Church's teaching about guardian angels, so the information (allegedly from their lips) is imperfect. In addition, the content of the books "Revelations of Guardian Angels" contains many indications of signs and beliefs that have nothing to do with Orthodoxy. In this edition, you can find many conspiracies, practical guides for colloquy. But all this contradicts the consciousness of a church person. Therefore, Orthodoxy forbids reading such literature in order to avoid the formation of false ideas about the existence of the world and the essence of Christianity.