Doug Jones is one of the most sought-after and famous American actors, but one of the least recognizable. The reason for this is his unusual role. He is filmed mainly in fantasy, science fiction and horror films, where it is difficult or impossible to recognize him because of his makeup.

Biography of the actor
The future actor was born into the family of a famous politician and church leader in the American state of Indiana on May 24, 1960. The youngest of five brothers. After school, he entered and successfully graduated from the university. Received a bachelor's degree in telecommunications and supporting roles. While studying at the university, he begins his acting career in the form of a mime. At the same time, he becomes "Charlie Cardinal" - the mascot of the university. This image for some time at many student, cultural and sports events becomes his hallmark.

He begins his career by working as a mime in parks. Entertains children, frightening them with his unusual images. At 24, he moved to Los Angeles, where he was very lucky. In the Dream Factory, actors with rich facial expressions, like Doug's, were in great demand. He immediately began to make offers and shoot in commercials, and then in TV shows. Oddly enough, one of the advertisements - a man sitting at the piano, with the head of the month, became the starting point for Doug in his career.

The beginning of a serious career, his debut was a film called "Fresh Dead" (1988). The actor was 28 years old. Since that time, every year for a novice actor it becomes more and more interesting and full of different projects. Doug is more and more recognizable and in demand. The actor plays very unusual roles. Plays strange, unearthly creatures, aliens and monsters.

The actor has accumulated many roles. Some of them brought him great fame, glorified him and were well remembered by the viewer. Among them is the role of the Gentleman ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer"). For her, he was awarded two Emmy awards. The role of the alien Joey ("Men in Black 2") also brought him no less success and popularity. Every year Doug became more famous. Thanks to his talent, he is filmed in videos for such stars as Marilyn Manson, Madonna.

The actor works with many directors. The greatest popularity was brought to him by films directed by the famous director, winner of several "Oscars" Guillermo del Toro. One of these roles was the role of Sapien in the movie "Hellboy: Hero from Inferno". The actor also starred in a sequel called Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Thanks to his participation in these films, he was named Best Supporting Actor (2009) and received the Fangoria Chainsaw Awards. John is still a very popular actor now. In 2017 alone, he starred in three films, and the total number of films with his participation has reached more than 150. Many films in which the actor Doug Jones took part have repeatedly won Oscars - the highest award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts.
Personal life
Doug Jones has been married for many years (1984). Laurie Jones's wife. They live in California.