When Is Artyom's Birthday

When Is Artyom's Birthday
When Is Artyom's Birthday

The name Artyom in the Church Slavonic tradition is pronounced as Artemy. This is how all boys with such a common name are called in Orthodox churches. For unchurched people, the question may arise, when will Artyom celebrate his name day?

When is Artyom's birthday
When is Artyom's birthday

In the Orthodox tradition, the name day is called the day of remembrance of the saint, whose name was given to the baptized person during the holy church sacrament of entering the Church. At the same time, the day of the name day (otherwise the day of the namesake) is chosen as the first date of the celebration of the saint, starting from the moment of baptism (or birth if the date of baptism is unknown for some reason).

The Orthodox calendar lists four saints named Artemy. Therefore, the name days of all Artyoms fall on the following dates: November 2, July 6, April 6 and June 20.

On November 2, the Church honors the memory of the great common Christian saint - the great martyr Artemy, who was a military leader in Antioch. The saint lived during the reign of several emperors: under Constantine, Constance and Julian. The last of the rulers, despite the establishment of Christianity in the Roman Empire as the dominant religion, rejected Christ and began persecuting Christians.

Despite the service feats, which Artemy noted during various military operations, Julian accused the military leader of improper worship of the gods, and forced him to renounce Christ. For his refusal, Saint Artemy endured various torments and, as a result, died from the beheading of the head in 363. Commemoration of the Holy Great Martyr Artemy on November 2.

On the same day, the memory of the holy righteous Artemiy Verkolsky is celebrated. This great saint of the Lord has another day of celebration - July 6th. Artemy was born in 1532 in the village of Verkole (Dvina province). From an early age, pious parents taught their child to a holy, pious life. As an infant, Artemy was very fond of praying and fasting. However, the days of life on the land of the righteous were short-lived. At the age of 13, the boy died on the field during a thunderstorm from exhaustion. The people saw in this a sign of God's punishment over the boy. Therefore, the body of the saint was not even buried, leaving it in the forest. After 28 years, the body of the righteous was found incorruptible, and the relics of the ascetic appeared miraculous. Nowadays, the holy relics of the righteous Artemy are in the Verkolsky monastery, founded on the place where the boy's body was found.

Among the saints Artemiev was the saint. April 6 is the day of commemoration of St. Artemy of Thessalonica, also called Artemon. This saint lived in apostolic times. From his life it is known that the Apostle Paul himself, during one of his travels, having seen the virtuous life of this Christian, decided to ordain Artemy as bishop of the city of Thessalonia. For many years the bishop taught and instructed the flock in Christian piety. The saint died at a ripe old age.

There is another saint with the name Artemy, whose memory is celebrated on June 20 (in the general celebration of the Vladimir saints). This is the holy righteous Artemy Shuisky of Vladimir, who became famous for his pious life in the 17th century.