How To Read Vitr Namaz

How To Read Vitr Namaz
How To Read Vitr Namaz

The prayer that should be performed at night after the fifth obligatory prayer is called the namaz vitr. The Messenger of the Most High (peace be upon him) performed this namaz after isha (compulsory night worship) at different times of the night. Like the evening Maghreb, they recite the Vitr prayer in three rakagats. Reading the Witr prayer is wajib (mandatory).

How to read Vitr Namaz
How to read Vitr Namaz

This prayer is read in the same way as the rest. However, in the third rakagat, after reading the al-Fatiha surah and after it a short surah, the takbir is recited again with a raise of hands as at the beginning of namaz. After that, hands are again placed as usual (women are on the chest, and men are under the navel), the dua "Kunut" is read and this worship ends like everything else - with attahiyat, salavat and salam in both directions. This is the main difference between this type of prayer and others.

Here it is desirable to read in the initial first rakagat after "Al-Fatih" sura "Al-Alya" (the Almighty), in the second rakagat the sura "Kafirun" (Infidels) in the third "Ikhlas" (Sincerity). From Ubay ibn Qagba (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) it is transmitted that the Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) read this way. It is also known from other hadiths that he read the suras Ikhlas (Sincerity), Falak (Dawn) and Nas (People). This is Sunnah. You can read other suras as well. The prayer itself is read only to oneself, the "Qunut" dua too.

In the holy month of Ramadan, Vitr is read over the imam with the jamaat (community) after the Taraweeh prayer. In addition to the Vitr prayer, dua Qunut is recited when people are in danger. In this case, the imam reads dua Qunut after bowing at the waist and asks Allah Almighty for help to the believers and asks for a curse on the enemies.
