When Are Alexander And Alexandra's Birthday

When Are Alexander And Alexandra's Birthday
When Are Alexander And Alexandra's Birthday

Alexander is one of the most popular names given to thousands of newborn boys every year. No less popular is the female version of the name - Alexander. These names have a large number of patrons among the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. The so-called Day of the Angel, Alexander and Alexander can celebrate almost every month.

When is Alexander and Alexandra's birthday
When is Alexander and Alexandra's birthday

Alexander's birthday

Alexander - "protector of people" in translation from Greek - celebrates Angel Day every month. On January 17, the church commemorates the holy martyr Bishop Alexander, who died for the faith, and on February 7, the martyr Alexander of Rome. In March, Alexander has six name days at once: on the 3rd, 8th, 22nd, 26th, 28th and 29th. These are the days of memory of Alexander Medvedsky, the original leader of the monastery of the Unsleeping Reverend Alexander, the martyr Alexander of Sevastia, the holy martyr Alexander of Pindus, the priest of the city of Side, the holy martyr Alexander and Pope Alexander, respectively.

On April 9, the church commemorates the Monk Alexander Votsky, who served in the city of Soligalich in the 10-12th century, and on April 23 - the martyr Alexander the African. April 30 is the day of remembrance of Alexander Svirsky, whose relics were found in 1641. In May, Alexander can be congratulated for two days in a row - on the 3rd and 4th, when the venerables Alexander Oshevensky and Alexander of Sinai are commemorated, and then on May 26 and 29, in the days of commemoration of the Hieromartyr Bishop Alexander of Tiberian and Saint Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem.

On the day of the name day, it is customary for righteous Christians to attend church, receive communion and confess. After that, you can arrange a small meal for those closest to you and commemorate the saints with prayer.

In June, Angel Alexander Day falls on the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 22nd and 23rd. These days, the church reads a commemoration for Alexander Petrovsky, Alexander of Aegean, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, martyr Alexander, who died in 1794, Bishop Alexander of Prussia and warrior Alexander, who died a martyr's death, respectively.

In July, Alexander celebrates his name day on the 22nd and 23rd (the day of memory of Alexander of Egypt and Alexander Nikopolsky). In August, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates the Hieromartyr Archpriest Alexander (August 7), the Martyr Alexander of Perga (August 14), the Martyr Alexander of Rome, the son of the Martyr Claudius of Rome (24 August), and the Bishop of the Comanian Hieromartyr Alexander (25 August).

The autumn months are marked by the following name days for Alexander: September 12 (Saint Alexander, Patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Alexander Svirsky; Holy Noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, in schema Alexy), October 5 (Saint Alexander), October 11 (Alexander Kalitsky, a blacksmith, who met at 6 century martyrdom), October 30 (Archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod Hieromartyr Alexander Shchukin), November 4 (Bishop Alexander of Adrianople), November 22 (Martyr Alexander Solunsky). And in December, you can celebrate the Day of the Angel on the 6th and 25th in the days of the memory of the holy right-believing prince Alexander Nevsky and the Bishop of Jerusalem, the holy martyr Alexander.

The best gift for a person celebrating Angel's Day is an icon of a saint, but it is also customary to give various church symbols, jewelry with the first letter of the name or souvenirs that are appropriate for this holiday.

Alexandra's birthday

Alexandra, whose name is translated from Greek as "courageous", celebrates Angel's Day six times a year: in April, when the Martyr Alexandra of Pontic is commemorated on 2 numbers; May 6, on the day of memory of Alexandra of Rome - the empress, who was martyred for her faith; May 31, commemoration day of the Martyr Alexandra of Corinth. In June, Alexandra has a name day on the 26th (Venerable Alexandra Diveevskaya), and in July - on the 17th (Empress Alexandra, holy passion-bearer). November 19 is another day of commemoration of the Martyr Alexandra of Corinth.
