Who Wrote The Prayers

Who Wrote The Prayers
Who Wrote The Prayers

Prayer - words of petition or gratitude addressed to higher powers, intercessors. Many people know these words from childhood, repeat them with joy and handfuls, however, how the prayers appeared, who wrote or wrote them down can only be guessed at.

Who wrote the prayers
Who wrote the prayers

Prayers of the Apostles

It is believed that the prayers were written by saints who lived in the time of Christ. Many prayers are present in the biblical scriptures in the New Testament, for example, the prayer "Our Father …". It is considered the prayer of the Lord. This is the kind of prayer that the son of God Jesus Christ taught his disciples. In addition, after the death and resurrection of their teacher, many students began to write their own prayer texts, which are given in the Bible. Many believers around the world read and memorize precisely the prayers of the disciples of Jesus Christ.

Prayers of Angels

There are prayers that people were miraculously able to hear from the holy angels. These revelations were given to people with a pure soul and heart. Hearing, people put texts on paper and passed them on from generation to generation. These prayers include, for example, the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Prayers of the people

It should be noted that the prayers were written, first of all, by the people themselves. For example, in the biblical text, King David of Israel with an open mind addresses God in his own words, which are called prayer.

Many prayers for different occasions were written by the ministers of the Church specifically to create beautiful prayer patterns. For believers there is a special Prayer Book, which contains various prayers, and it is known that the Prayer Book was created specifically for the purpose of ordering prayers, it is known that some of the texts that were passed from mouth to mouth were deemed unsuitable for canonization, some were substantially edited by the "holy fathers" … Moreover, the lion's share of appeals and petitions are translated texts, for which Christians are often reproached by Muslims, who, like centuries ago, address Allah only in Arabic.

However, the Orthodox tradition allows you to rely not only on the biblical text, but also to create your own prayer texts. Such a tradition is considered liberty in religious circles, but, nevertheless, it is firmly rooted in the circle of Orthodox believers. They can write their own texts, which are considered to be much more useful than mindlessly memorized formulas. That is why only in Christianity there are children's prayers, children's Bibles, etc. Orthodox Christians believe that when a person prays in his own words, the degree of closeness and unity with God will be greater, and therefore a person will be able to quickly find peace and harmony in his soul.
